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pez 2021-04-11T12:24:55.406900Z

Hello Clojurains! Calva’s Getting Started with ClojureScript story just improved massively. With v2.0.187 this arrived:, which makes the process to get an app with an editor connected ClojureScript REPL running a matter of: 1. Create the small directory structure that the ClojureScript Quick Start tells you to create 2. Jack-in Boom!

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dangercoder 2021-04-12T17:56:11.419300Z


pez 2021-04-11T12:27:55.407Z

This was entirely doable before, but it had the user to first create a custom ClojureScript REPL setting in VS Code, which is not all that straight forward for most people, and also an odd requirement for the most vanilla ClojureScript REPL. 😃

pez 2021-04-11T12:30:22.407200Z

Here’s the change log for the last couple of weeks for your convenience: [2.0.187] - 2021-04-11 • [2.0.186] - 2021-04-10 • • Fix: • Bump `clojure-lsp` to • Bump `cider-nrepl` to [2.0.185] - 2021-04-05 • Fix: • Fix: • Add experimental setting to: • Bump `clojure-lsp` to `2021.04.03-18.43.55` [2.0.184] - 2021-04-02 • Fix: • Fix: and bump to `2021.03.30-20.42.34` • [2.0.183] - 2021-03-30 • • Fix: [2.0.182] - 2021-03-26 •

❤️ 1
practicalli-john 2021-04-11T13:23:06.409400Z

practicalli/clojure-deps-edn user wide configuration for Clojure CLI tools Add aliases for more REPL options, with nREPL server for the built-in terminal UI and nREPL client connections with simple and Rebel enhanced terminal UI. Separated REPL into REPL terminal UI, REPL with Editor and Remote REPL connection New aliases: • :repl/nrepl - Clojure REPL with nREPL server • :repl/cider - Clojure REPL with nREPL server and Cider-nrepl (code completion, pretty print, etc.) • :repl/cider-refactor - as above with clj-refactor • :repl/remote - simple terminal UI nREPL client for a remote REPL • :repl/rebel-remote - as above with Rebel Readline UI

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🎉 11
seancorfield 2021-04-11T16:39:22.411600Z

You have :repl/cider in there twice?

practicalli-john 2021-04-11T17:22:04.412Z

Ooops, so I did. Fixed it to cider-refactor. Thanks.