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alexmiller 2021-04-16T19:37:35.443200Z

org.clojure/data.json 2.2.0 is now available, changes since 2.1.0 • Add New support for writing java.time.Instant and java.util.Date (+ subclasses) ◦ New options to write functions: ▪︎ :date-formatter - java.time.DateTimeFormatter to use (default DateTimeFormatter/ISO_INSTANT) ▪︎ :sql-date-converter - fn to convert java.sql.Date to java.time.Instant (default provided) • Perf Refactor code in read-array and read-object • Fix Fix buffer overflow in pushbackreader (fixed in 2.1.1) All changes by @slipset - thanks for his efforts and for the bug/enhancement reports from others

💯 27
❤️ 9