
Project/library announcements ONLY - use threaded replies for discussions. Do not cross post here from other channels. Consider #events or #news-and-articles for other announcements.
mike_ananev 2021-04-24T15:22:40.035500Z

Hi! New library template is out. Key feature of this release that all tasks performed by babashka tasks This template will give you the following basic project workflow:

mike@mbp02 ✗ bb tasks
build        Build deployable jar file for this project
bump         Bump version artifact in `project-version` file, level may be one of: major, minor, patch, alpha, beta, rc, release.
clean        Clean target folder
deploy       Deploy this library to Clojars
format       Format source code
install      Install deployable jar locally (requires the pom.xml file)
lint         Lint source code
outdated     Check for outdated dependencies
repl         Run Clojure repl
requirements Install project requirements
test         Run tests


Small announcement for This is a Github action that installs and caches babashka :babashka:

richiardiandrea 2021-04-24T17:13:27.039100Z

I am really happy babashka is taking over - I had a very pleasant year when I was using lumo for scripting at work and I think that niche is now covered again - thanks @borkdude!

👍 1
Candid 2021-04-24T21:52:55.040300Z

joker v0.17.1 is released:

👍 3
🎉 11