
Project/library announcements ONLY - use threaded replies for discussions. Do not cross post here from other channels. Consider #events or #news-and-articles for other announcements.
Jakub Holý 2021-05-21T14:39:34.026100Z

Tired of being forced to use the browser every time you need to refresh an OIDC token to authenticate with a backend service? Finally there is a CLI tool for that - the #babashka and Docker powered oidc_client.clj Upon first invocation it opens up a browser for the OIDC provider login, thereafter it caches the refresh token and uses it as long as it remains valid.

👏 9
Jakub Holý 2021-05-23T17:34:06.052700Z

Thx, @ivar.refsdal, mkcert looks great!

❤️ 2
Jakub Holý 2021-05-21T14:40:16.026200Z

@borkdude feel free to copy this if you want to add it to the bb examples/

plexus 2021-05-21T15:38:13.029Z

First release of com.lambdaisland/dom-types This is a ClojureScript library which adds print handlers for a bunch of built-in browser types, which generally makes working with them in the REPL much more pleasant. e.g. instead of #object[object HTMLElement] you'll get #js/Element [:p "hello world]. This also extends Datafiable to these types (great with Portal).

😍 3
🤘 2
🎉 23
borkdude 2021-05-21T15:43:12.029400Z

Looking good! I think we can add it to PR welcome

👍 2
alexmiller 2021-05-21T16:31:55.032100Z is now available • Adds support for a in -X calls (similar to Clojure 1.11 trailing map to vararg calls) • Updates all Maven deps to latest (maven-resolver 1.7.0, maven core 1.8.3) to address these ◦ CVE-2020-13956 - bumps deps on Apache HttpClient used by Maven ◦ CVE-2021-26291 - potential security problems regarding Maven repositories: ▪︎ Due to the possibility of MITM (man in the middle) attacks, http repo access is now blocked by default. tools.deps/Clojure CLI has always used https repos in the default repository list (central and clojars), so this mostly impacts any explicit http repositories defined in deps.edn ▪︎ Concerns over the "hijacking" of repository urls by transitive pom deps (or their super poms) to download artifacts from malicious repos. Maven made no changes here, but did clarify how repos are resolved on From a deps perspective, we only use repositories declared in the top-level deps.edn (if transitive deps need a custom repo, you will need to add it at top-level too). For tools.deps use of pom dependencies, we are providing the repos of the top deps.edn file (which should always put Maven Central and Clojars first), then deferring to Maven for the rest.

🎉 17
match37 2021-05-24T16:45:07.062600Z

The link for "trailing map of kvs" is broken

alexmiller 2021-05-24T17:19:07.062800Z


👍 1
Ivar Refsdal 2021-05-21T18:31:13.034600Z

Looks good! Have you considered using - or recommending - mkcert for trusting self signed certs? It has worked effortlessly for me.

👀 2
alexmiller 2021-05-21T19:34:34.036300Z v0.3.0 is available • Fixes #17 - use default ns regex only if no specific namespaces or regexes are supplied

🙏 8
seancorfield 2021-05-24T17:57:00.063Z

@alexmiller I just ran into the newly-introduced bug in the api -X runner — and saw someone already opened an issue for that.

alexmiller 2021-05-24T18:06:09.063300Z


alexmiller 2021-05-24T18:10:25.063500Z

ok, fixed

alexmiller 2021-05-24T18:10:39.063700Z

I must have changed the docstring after I ran the tests? don't remember

seancorfield 2021-05-24T18:19:31.063900Z

I commented on the commit that introduced the bug, if that helps 🙂