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camsaul 2021-06-22T00:58:55.319700Z

Here are a few reasons. A) Vanilla multimethods in Clojure either dispatch to a specific method or :default but there's no in-between. You can't do something like

(defmulti describe-animal-location (fn [animal location] (keyword animal) (keyword location)))

(defmethod describe-animal-location [:bird :tree]
  [_ _]
  "Bird in a tree")

;; can't do this
(defmethod describe-animal-location [:default :tree]
  [animal _]
  (str animal " in a tree"))
B) Aspect-oriented programming. Write a single logging method for all your implementations.
(m/defmethod describe-animal-location :before :default
  [animal location]
  (println "describe-animal-location called with" animal location)
C) next-method. In Clojure if you want call the "parent" method, you'd have to do something like
(defmethod describe-animal-location [:songbird :tree]
  [animal location]
  (println "A songbird is in a tree.")
  ((get-method describe-animal-location :bird :tree) animal location))
That requires you to know what the "parent method" is. In Methodical you can simply do
(m/defmethod describe-animal-location [:songbird :tree]
  [animal location]
  (println "A songbird is in a tree.")
  (next-method animal location))
D) Programmatic multimethod creation. Normal multimethods can't be passed around and modified on-the-fly like normal functions or other Clojure datatypes -- they're defined statically by `defmulti`, and methods can only be added destructively, by altering the original object. Methodical multimethods are implemented entirely as immutable Clojure objects (with the exception of caching).
(let [dispatch-fn :type
      multifn     (-> (m/default-multifn dispatch-fn)
                      (m/add-primary-method Object (fn [next-method m]
      multifn'    (m/add-primary-method multifn String (fn [next-method m]
  ((juxt multifn multifn') {:type String}))

;; -> [:object :string]
E) Custom invocation behavior: you can write a multimethod that invokes all its implementations -- the canonical use-case for this is creating a shutdown hook. F) Debuggability: You can use tools that ship with Methodical like trace to see what methods are getting called and trace calls to a multimethod

Lucy Wang 2021-06-22T04:59:38.322600Z

Hey guys, I just released the 0.1.0 version of, the finite state machine and statecharts library for clojure/clojurescript. This is the first formal release. I have being using it for a while in several internal applications, and it works pretty well insofar.

jerger_at_dda 2021-06-22T05:44:25.324200Z

We proudly present our new Keycloak Convention4Kubernetes deployment generator: We provide the generator as jvm-library, js-webfrontend and standalone cli.

ertugrulcetin 2021-06-22T11:42:22.326400Z

Thank you!
