Hello clojurians! :clojure-lsp: Released https://clojure-lsp.github.io/clojure-lsp/ with fixes and exciting new features, clojure-lsp is not a editor only tool anymore, it has its own API and CLI 🎉 It's possible now to run clojure-lsp via terminal telling to clean all ns forms of your project, removing unused vars, sorting required/refers/imports 🚀 For more information, check #lsp.
Excellent, I can now deprecate carve? :)
hahah I expect carve to have a better configurability ATM, but it's easy to improve on clojure-lsp 🙂 carve seems a valid another approach not using the LSP protocol so having both options sounds good for community 😄
Also, not sure all features carve provide, if all of them are alreday included in the clean-ns refactoring
Does clojure-lsp also offer a REPL API?
Yes @borkdude with that release, the clojure-lsp.api
should provide those features 🙂
This is quite cool! For some reason I need to do this clojure-lsp -p ./ clean-ns
to manage the clean-ns work in my repos, is that intended?
the default of the -p
flag is the current dir, what error you were getting @rafaeldelboni?
no errors, is just not doing anything
I use zsh btw
it's correct, it have no namespaces to clean 😅 Maybe a Cleaned!
print is missing 🙂
it will print the namespace cleaned only if it needs to clean anything
you can confirm that, adding a unused var or sorting differently
yeah it only shows up when I use -p
instead it just prints 0ms
but this is such a good tool, thanks a lot https://github.com/parenthesin/microservice-boilerplate/pull/13/files
Thanks! will investigate further more soon your project issue
Perhaps it's related to not having an .lsp/config.edn
I do have only an ~/.lsp/config.edn
and just the ./clj-kondo/config.edn
at projects level
yes, I meant the project level
could be related, dunno. I think it should be optional
I don't think so, it probably some issue with the -p default value, in this case (io/file (System/getProperty "user.dir"))
I copied my personal .lsp/config.edn at project level and still having the same behaviour
yeah, it's not related with the config
Want me to open a issue?
@ericdallo Sorry to interrupt your release Eric, but I don't think your recent commits fixed anything :)
The problem is that you are capturing values at build time
(System/getProperty "user.dir")
should work, but not when you put it in a top level def
This is because static initializers are initialized at build time in graalvm native image with the --initialize-at-build-time
Hum, it makes sense, but I tested with the @rafaeldelboni project, let me double check
Perhaps your commit fixed something because the path is relative now, but this is the real reason it was broken
I guess the commits do work, but I was surprised you were still using top level defs, which is probably not a good idea
you are right, it's missing running it in a function, or using default-fn instead of default
I mean for storing values that can be different over systems
yeah, it's probably a good idea I change that cli-options to be a function
The CLI options are alright, but the defaults should just be handled dynamically, probably not using tools.cli itself
just using or
in the main function or so
why it's a problem handling in tools.cli if that cli-options would be a function?
that works too
alright, I'll improve that to be a function, thanks for the heads up 🙂
a delay works too
yes, but I think changing
:default (io/file "")
:default-fn #(io/file "")
is enoughwhat is best, change to that ☝️ or change cli-optiosn to be a function?
oh I didn't know you vould provide a function for :default-fn
, yeah that works too
yeah, that looks better 🙂 I just need to remember for every new option 🤦
maybe make a note ;)
Released the fix!
Hey all! I've been working in the last weeks on a https://github.com/sauercrowd/clojureflare to make it easy to use Clojurescript with Cloudflare workers It's super experimental right now, but four lines are enough to get your worker up and running! Check it out
(ns new-worker.core
(:require [clojureflare.core :as clfl]))
(clfl/route "GET" "/worker" "hello from my worker"))
A full walk-through is available in https://github.com/sauercrowd/clojureflare/tree/main/example-worker