
gnejs 2016-08-03T08:15:49.000034Z

@roberto: agreed - it contains A LOT of information 🙂

gnejs 2016-08-03T08:15:56.000035Z

It’s not a light read ….

dominicm 2016-08-03T08:16:51.000036Z

I read 1/3rd of DDD quickly, last night

dominicm 2016-08-03T08:17:21.000038Z

Even that seemed fairly well packed

gnejs 2016-08-03T08:29:23.000039Z

@dominicm: Fowler have collected some info about DDD as well:

dominicm 2016-08-03T08:48:50.000040Z

@gnejs: I may have read some of that, I don't think I absorbed much though