I have summarized your tips in https://clojureverse.org/t/atom-editor-setup-for-clojure-script-development-in-2020/5045 Please extend / correct!
thanks for summarizing! i don't recall having to install the language-clojure package -- it's listed as "core" in setings -> packages for me and i also don't see traces of it under ~/.atom/packages. may be others can confirm. i think it might be worth mentioning explicitly that seancorfield's setup has some rebl support. not sure if it's worth mentioning but for keymap-related issues -- which if you use atom and explore a variety of plugins, are likely to encounter -- the keymap control plugin (https://atom.io/packages/keymap-control) can be helpful: > Customizing Atom's keybindings can be exhausting. This plugin can help. > If you set a keybinding in your keymap.cson file, it should just work. You shouldn't have to fight though waves of CSS specificity rules to manually unset conflicting keybindings from other packages first. > Install this package to automatically do it for you.
I used to use keymap-control
but no longer do. I prefer to have explicit key mappings in my keymap.json
file (which is in my https://github.com/seancorfield/atom-chlorine-setup repo, which includes all my REBL support functions).
And, yeah, language-clojure
should be built-in and should not need installing.