not unless I write one
@juliobarros: are you going with cljs instead of java?
it’s not hard to keep the lambda function in cache with java
so it’s really fast, but if you want js libs, you want js libs so I could see going either way
@mj_langford: Sorry I think there was a typo or I wasn’t clear. I’d consider cljs or clj and was just trying to learn either/both and aws. cljs was fine to get started but was unclear how to use dynamodb and ses. They seemed to be better supported by the clj (java) libs.
Yeah, java is tons better supported
JVM based will require you to setup a 1 minute “pinger” call to your lambda function
if you use ring-aws-lambda-adapter
you can have your entire app use the same lambda function, and just be called by different paths
which compojure will decode alright
AWS is a beast
It took me basically 5 days to learn how to do this after experimenting with various ways
to get something industrial strength feeling
@mj_langford: … cant wait to read your write up. 😄