
mj_langford 2017-09-14T17:19:51.000084Z

I'm not sure Lambda is the best tool for that, but I've done stuff in that area @lucasbradstreet

lucasbradstreet 2017-09-14T17:21:44.000435Z

@mj_langford we agree. We’re considering working on a feature that would move the complex event processing logic to an external service, and then leave Lambda purely for processing the final decisions (i.e. side effects)

mj_langford 2017-09-14T17:23:05.000047Z

Amazon Step Functions do that kind of thing btw

mj_langford 2017-09-14T17:23:37.000132Z

(depending on how complex your patterns are)

lucasbradstreet 2017-09-14T17:25:46.000408Z

We looked into them, and they appeared to be more useful for workflows with action dependencies, whereas we are thinking about use cases like: if event type A and event type B over threshold y arrive, perform a side effect. These kinds of data dependency questions seem pretty hard to do with step functions

lucasbradstreet 2017-09-14T17:25:57.000234Z

Does that match your understanding?

mj_langford 2017-09-14T17:30:26.000191Z

Oh, yeah, that kind of thing is more of a queue problem IME

mj_langford 2017-09-14T17:30:39.000060Z

and that's not Step Functions thing

lucasbradstreet 2017-09-14T17:42:48.000540Z

Great, that’s basically what we think too, and once you have a queue then you need to keep some state somewhere, so you can decide whether the events you’ve processed have met the criteria.

lucasbradstreet 2017-09-14T17:42:56.000386Z

Thanks for your thoughts