check out
its not cljs, for that I’d use cljs-lambda, but portkey is pretty sweet
you need 1. java 8 2. an aws role named portkey
with the policy described on the home page 3. Imagination.
Elevator pitch, “Play at the repl, when the function does what you want, call portkey to serve that function from an endpoint in the cloud”
^ there's also a channel for that #portkey
I’ve done this and enjoyed it a lot
I’m not currently working with aws backed stuff but if I was, it would be my weapon of choice.
Hi people! any one here trying to use sam local with lambada deflambdafn
and facing:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: handleRequest (awslambda.test/G__11093handleRequest not defined?)
fwiw I just did this with terraform and it's ... OK
Terraform is probably a good idea if you also have a bunch of other infrastructure to manage