taylor 2019-02-16T00:57:38.003600Z

I have a long-running app using aws-api, and it seems like the S3 client (and maybe any other client) needs to be refreshed/recreated periodically. I eventually start getting ExpiredToken errors. I didn’t see anything in the docs about this. Is there guidance for how long I can use the same client?

ghadi 2019-02-16T01:03:11.004Z

are you using latest @taylor? there was a bug in the previous release

taylor 2019-02-16T01:03:31.004400Z

maybe not very latest, I’ll upgrade

taylor 2019-02-16T01:03:51.005Z

should I be able to use the same client instance indefinitely though?

ghadi 2019-02-16T01:04:06.005200Z

should be yes

👍 1
ghadi 2019-02-16T01:04:19.005700Z

the credentials will refresh in the background, like other clients