orestis 2019-09-04T07:30:47.004200Z

Is there a trivial way to wrap an SQS queue with a core.async channel? There are various libraries that do that, but either are receive-only (squeedo) or are archived (fink-nottle).

orestis 2019-09-04T07:31:44.005400Z

I'd like to use the Cognitect AWS API if possible but I believe it's HTTP client is synchronous, so I can't just use a go-loop, I need to think about threads and executors etc.

Joe Lane 2019-09-04T13:20:24.005900Z

My understanding is that aws-api is both sync and async

ghadi 2019-09-04T13:20:53.006100Z

that's right

jaihindhreddy 2019-09-04T14:30:30.006900Z

There's no streaming AFAIK but aws-api has both sync and async.

orestis 2019-09-04T14:49:00.009Z

After further digging in the library I see that the sync client wraps the async one - but there’s no detail on how the underlying http library handles things. Is there a threadpool involved, is it truly async etc?

Joe Lane 2019-09-04T14:49:51.009200Z

Can you define "truly async"?

orestis 2019-09-04T14:57:11.011500Z

Async IO eg with using callbacks vs non-blocking IO where the IO takes place in a (new) background thread.

orestis 2019-09-04T14:58:29.013200Z

Both have their issues when overloaded, eg if you try to put 10000 messages in a queue, you will either overload your CPU with pending callbacks etc or blow up your memory with 10000 threads.

orestis 2019-09-04T15:00:38.014900Z

I’m trying to write to SQS which in theory has infinite capacity, so I don’t worry about overloading it, only my own system :)

alexmiller 2019-09-04T16:16:23.015300Z

the http lib source is in the jar I believe