@include We have a wrapper client
function that always passes
(def default-http-client
(delay (aws/default-http-client)))
to the call to cognitect.aws.client.api/client
. That means we don't need this anymore.Weird learning of the day: EBS volume prices are based on the month of the year. i.e., the cost per volume gib changes based on the length of the month. Very strange.
maybe lots of end-of-the-month batch processing?
perhaps ELI4? 🙂 kidding - thank you for the explanation. It’s a mechanism to simplify that operation.
Could we perhaps have the ability to specify the :api as a part of the op-map? We have tons of code that ends up looking like this:
{::ec2-client (aws/new-client {:api :ec2})
::rds-client (aws/new-client {:api :rds})
::cw-client (aws/new-client {:api :monitoring})
::autoscaling-client (aws/new-client {:api :autoscaling})
::lb-v1-client (aws/new-client {:api :elasticloadbalancing})
::lb-v2-client (aws/new-client {:api :elasticloadbalancingv2})}
There doesn't seem to be a reason for keeping them separate. I suppose we could implement this ourselves.@kenny would appreciate a GitHub issue describing that
Will do tomorrow
thank you sir