is "Throttling" represented as an http status code, or only within [:ErrorResponse :Error :Code]) ?@ghadi You asked the above. Throttling is only represented via that path. Here's a simple example:
(def c (aws-api/client {:api :workspaces}))
(def results
(vec (pmap (fn [_]
(aws-api/invoke c {:op :DescribeWorkspaceDirectories}))
(range 20))))
(first (filter anom/anomaly? results))
{:__type "ThrottlingException", :message "Rate exceeded", :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect}
(get-in (meta *1) [:http-response :status])
=> 400
do you have the complete response headers?
{"x-amz-date" "20200309T215544Z",
"x-amz-target" "WorkspacesService.DescribeWorkspaceDirectories",
"content-type" "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
"host" "<|>",
"authorization" "..."}
that's the response?
seems like the request
Oops, yeah
{"x-amzn-requestid" "59bbfe02-e3b0-49fa-a2cb-2027a236531a",
"connection" "close",
"content-length" "58",
"date" "Mon, 09 Mar 2020 21:55:44 GMT",
"content-type" "application/x-amz-json-1.1"}
We also have to use this for :retriable?
for the apis we use.
(def api->retriable-fn
"Map of AWS API to a fn that will be called to see if the request should be retried
based on the HTTP response. This is needed because various AWS APIs indicate
failures in non-standard ways."
{:workspaces #(= "ThrottlingException" (:__type %))
:pricing #(= "ThrottlingException" (:__type %))
:monitoring #(= "Throttling" (get-in % [:ErrorResponse :Error :Code]))})
what else is in the json response?
I'm trying to see if there is something generic we can detect and return a :busy anomaly
The body is this: {:type "ThrottlingException", :message "Rate exceeded", :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect}
From my experience, I don't think there is 😞
what about the raw response JSON?
Just slurping the :body?
yeah, should be available
(slurp (:body (:http-response (meta (first (filter anom/anomaly? results))))))
=> "{\"__type\":\"ThrottlingException\",\"message\":\"Rate exceeded\"}"
Thanks AWS™
Yep... It's frustrating. The above retry works but it results in incorrect anomalies getting returned. In the above example, it returns incorrect when it should be busy.
should really send back a status 429
Agreed. This happens in several of their apis though.
@dchelimsky do we read :errors from the descriptors?
Not yet. We looked at it as a means of normalizing error handling, but there is nothing normalizable (every service does its own thing).
Also, I ran into a few cases in which the descriptors themselves listed error shapes in operation maps, but those weren't present in the shapes map.
just need to be able to dispatch on the error shape name
is that always in __type
we can't generically understand the errors without a lookup table
That's only a thing in some json services.
There is no spec for this @ghadi
No consistency across services.
The error shape name is in the operation, which is already part of the model we use.
error shape name is useful enough
I think that should be in (ops client)
(don't have a repl up for this at the moment)
the ThrottlingException @kenny encountered isn't even in the workspaces service descriptor :)
That's what I'm talking about 😕
Can't exactly knock AWS for this. Nobody said "hey, use these descriptors to build your own SDKs" 😉
They should return standard http status codes though
it doesn't say s* about how those errors are encoded on the wire
Can't break promises you don't make!
This all came up recently, btw:
Having the ability to manually transform response bodies before the :retriable?
call would help us in this situation. The transformed response would also need to be returned to the caller. I realize it's not a general solution, but it's sounding like there is not one.
Please feel free to make suggestions there in comments.
On a totally unrelated note, @ghadi you may recall I brought up the issue of an AWS API returning an invalid next-token. After a month or so, I finally got it again! Unfortunately the code to log the request-id had a typo in the key to lookup so I didn't get a request-id from the failure 😞 The next-token looks totally standard for this API. The system retrying the same call ~30s later and it worked. Quite odd behavior. Wonder if AWS has some sort of race condition.
{:__type "InvalidParameterValuesException",
:message "Invalid NextToken provided.",
:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect,
:next-token "af286f1d-36ac-4fd2-bd5a-fa79fbb72f4b",
:page-count 4}
I am determined to get AWS to fix this issue. Hopefully next time this error occurs I'll have a request id for them to debug this!