
To those super familiar with cloudfront, has anyone ever successfully put one cloudfront distribution in front of another?


Hey friends!!! has everyone every stumbled upon the following weird error on s3 when using the cognitect/aws-api lib CopyObject operation please ? I have tried to use it to copy an object from one bucket to another : • the copy action worked perfectly as intended : the object is copied to the destination bucket • but as a response to the call, I received an error :

{:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/fault, #error {
 :cause "Property null is not supported"
 [{:type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
   :message "Property null is not supported"
   :at [ setProperty "" 246]}]
 [[ setProperty "" 246]


it is a little bit puzzling since I am not sure how to investigate this case : the “Property null is not supported” message does not help that much

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:32:33.140800Z

similarly, pasting the error doesn't help that much without the input request

👍 1
ghadi 2020-03-15T18:32:57.141200Z

also need your dependencies too, clj -Stree please @kaffein


my bad : I will give you the details in a sec


[ "0.8.391"]
[ ""]
[ "746.2.533.0"]
[ "770.2.568.0"]
[ "762.2.561.0"]]

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:36:08.143100Z

no problem. Can you provide the resolved deps, not the declared deps?

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:36:22.143600Z

you look like you're using lein, so lein deps :tree or whatever

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:36:33.143900Z

looking for the version of specifically


oh ok


I don’t seem to have found while greping it from the output @ghadi

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:41:22.145100Z

org.clojure/data.xml ?

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:41:40.145800Z

I gave you the wrong lib to grep for


oh I gave it the wrong argument indeed


there we go :

[org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8"]

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:42:17.146600Z

ok that's what I thought

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:42:39.147200Z

somewhere in your dependencies it is asking for an older version of data.xml (0.0.8) instead of the one aws-api needs

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:42:42.147400Z

(which I can't remember)

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:43:08.147900Z

in the output for lein deps :tree there should be some warnings about conflicts

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:43:23.148400Z

you should do :exclusions for whatever is pulling the old version of data.xml

🙏 1
🙌 1
ghadi 2020-03-15T18:43:32.148700Z

then re-test


awesome @ghadi thanks a lot for your help

ghadi 2020-03-15T18:44:06.149900Z

This is a Frequently Encountered Problem™ and I want to make it go away... will consult with the crew


cool thanks a lot