zendevil 2021-03-19T00:01:17.011Z

@lukaszkorecki have you ever used k8s with eks?

zendevil 2021-03-19T00:01:51.011200Z

instead of fargate? I’ve heard that the provisioning with fargate isn’t reliable because cpu power can vary by a factor of 5

zendevil 2021-03-19T02:23:06.011500Z

zendevil 2021-03-19T02:23:20.011900Z

Here are the logs of the deployment

phoenixjj 2021-03-19T03:14:02.012200Z

Unable to connect to localhost:8182 ?

phoenixjj 2021-03-19T03:14:31.012400Z

what is running on 8182 ? and on which server ?

zendevil 2021-03-19T03:16:41.013500Z

I think the problem is that the datomic access gateway needs to be run before the client can connect

zendevil 2021-03-19T03:17:11.014400Z

And I don’t know of a simple way to do that other than creating a docket image with those commands

zendevil 2021-03-19T03:17:27.014900Z

There must be a simpler way?