em 2021-05-12T00:57:41.053700Z

Closest thing off the top of my mind is: but unfortunately they're kind of a closed SaaS type deal, and won't really let you do it on your own account/EC2 instance. I'm not a fan of their service for this reason (waaaay too much on the side of ease instead of simplicity), but maybe searching for alternatives in this space will yield something close to what you want?

kenny 2021-05-12T02:06:02.054Z

Huh, interesting. Didn't know there was an actual market for that sort of thing. That looks way more formal that I was looking for, haha.

em 2021-05-12T02:12:47.054200Z

Yeah, I was surprised myself. I couldn't imagine doing all my dev work on a paid boxed service over the internet just to save 5 minutes of installing dependencies - some of the comments are really funny about how it revolutionizes everything

lukasz 2021-05-12T14:13:08.054500Z

Technically you should be able to do all of the above with Clojure and cognitect-labs/aws-api: • create a VPC • define security group to allow connection via SSH • create an ec2 instance with user-data script which will clone your code, setup SSH keys necessary for opening a tunnel to to the nrepl server • destroys the VPC, security groups and the EC2 instance when you're done