zackteo 2021-06-23T11:38:28.042200Z

Hypothetically speaking, does AWS Fargate support running functions that use above 100 GB RAM? I think I got a bit confused looking at the maximum compute savings plan supported configuration of Min. 8GB and Max. 30GB, in 1GB increments

lukasz 2021-06-23T13:50:22.042700Z

@zackteo there's an upper limit, I think biggest container instance we were able to deploy was 64GB

lukasz 2021-06-23T13:50:30.042900Z

(not function, Fargate runs containers)

zackteo 2021-06-23T14:08:29.048700Z

Oh, so it isn't like aws lambda after all? Was thinking if there was an alternative to having a dedicated server for high RAM workloads. Because there is no need for constant high RAM usage

ghadi 2021-06-23T14:26:59.049500Z

I'm confused around the question

ghadi 2021-06-23T14:27:39.050600Z

what are the requirements?

lukasz 2021-06-23T14:27:51.050900Z

The only difference between Fargate and Lambda is the execution model: Lambda is based on events/invokations, Fargate is more like a good old server, just runs your application in a container and never scales to 0

lukasz 2021-06-23T14:28:14.051400Z

(Lambda can now use container images as the runtime so the lines start to blur quite a lot)

zackteo 2021-06-23T22:10:53.056200Z

@ghadi I guess the requirements are for high RAM workloads (> 100 GB) and wondering I should be using a server since the high RAM workloads are uncommon. I realise ECS might be what I am thinking of


Using the cognitect aws client i'm uploading a index.html to my bucket just fine, but the browser seems to always default to downloading it. I have scanned the first three hits on google and i'm doing everything people are suggesting. My bucket is configured as a website. Here is my api call

(aws/invoke s3 {:op :PutObject :request {:Bucket     website-bucket-name :Key "index.html"
                                             :Body       (io/input-stream (.getBytes "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"))
                                             :ACL        "public-read"
                                             :ConentType "text/html"}})

alexmiller 2021-06-23T22:33:32.058100Z

There is a typo in last line?

alexmiller 2021-06-23T22:33:45.058600Z



there is, hmm


thanks! weird, i thought it was uploading fine because the aws console the type was properly displaying as html.


I should make a habit of just copy pasting field names until their in my autocomplete. Or stop working when my head starts to hurt. I assume if it was easy to validate the functions it would be done.