babashka Also see #sci, #nbb and #babashka-circleci-builds .
kari 2020-09-02T03:54:44.055300Z

Thanks for the feedback! I will update the blog article regarding Babashka library support, I missed that page you are referring! I advertised the blog article in my LinkedIn account. I don't use Twitter. But if you feel the blog article is good enough for sharing, please feel free to share it!

kari 2020-09-02T05:08:56.055500Z

Changed the text regarding Babashka built-in namespaces. Thanks for the feedback!

borkdude 2020-09-02T07:20:37.058100Z

Thanks πŸ™ I shared the article on Twitter. On the libraries page there is also a library for psql. Also we have a pod so you can directly use and honeysql with Postgres

kari 2020-09-02T12:50:18.059100Z

Ok. Good to know. I'll use the library support for sql next time!

borkdude 2020-09-02T12:52:15.059300Z

At one point I had the JDBC driver for PostgreSQL included in babashka, so you could use next.jdbc directly from babashka, but I wasn't sure if this was the right approach, since I maybe would have also include drivers for other databases and this would maybe bloat babashka. But it is still possible to compile babashka with postgres support using a feature flag as well. So, several options. But your basic approach is also valid, whatever works :)


Sure. Happy to share the awesome stuff you and @djblue have made πŸ™‚

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:16:15.059700Z

To be honest I hadn't used clojure.datafy that much myself, but I'm mind blown now ;)


Related to datafy, do you know if the pod edn format preserves metadata? I tried some of the examples but wasn’t seeing any of the metadata next-jdbc puts on its results for datafy

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:41:02.060400Z


borkdude 2020-09-02T13:41:40.060600Z

I wasn't aware of the metadata on that and I think you need to turn this on explicitly, it's probably not currently


Even if there is metadata support, not sure this would work because the metadata it puts on are protocol fns

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:41:59.061Z

yeah, I think this doesn't work with pods probably

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:42:28.061200Z

well maybe we could make it work

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:42:38.061400Z

a pod can also define client side functions


Example metadata:

#:clojure.core.protocols{datafy #object[next.jdbc.result_set$navize_row$fn__17145 0x4c1ea0ab "next.jdbc.result_set$navize_row$fn__17145@4c1ea0ab"]}

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:42:52.061800Z

oh functions

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:43:19.062Z

we could hack around that by representing the function using a name, but if it's a closure then that won't work


ah yep

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:44:42.062400Z

can you point me to the place where next.jdbc attaches that metadata?

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:45:34.062600Z

if everything was in babashka itself, it would work. I'm partial about including only postgres, but we could

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:48:44.062800Z

it's still available behind a feature flag

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:48:52.063Z

if you compile bb on your own system


Forgot about the feature flag. I’ll try that πŸ™‚ I’m definitely not advocating for bloating bb core. It is interesting to see where pod’s limitations are

borkdude 2020-09-02T13:59:40.063700Z

I'm very tempted to add postgres support, since it's so cool ;)

borkdude 2020-09-02T14:00:16.063900Z

ah yeah, so it's a closure over this


What am I missing? It is a library right? So I don't have to install a pod, correct? cat deps.edn | bb -cp clojure -Spath -Sdeps '{:deps {djblue/portal {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}'` -m portal.main edn` clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: realized? [at portal/http_socket_server.clj, line 65, column 20]

borkdude 2020-09-02T14:26:04.064300Z

@mmz Are you using bb 0.2.0?

borkdude 2020-09-02T14:26:09.064500Z

That one is required


let me check ... bb -v ?

borkdude 2020-09-02T14:26:43.064900Z

$ bb --version
babashka v0.2.0


Works now! (did a brew update before testing ... should have done a brew upgrade babashka :face_palm::skin-tone-3: )


This is indeed pretty awesome! :thumbsup::skin-tone-3:

Michael W 2020-09-02T16:43:51.066200Z

I just got a new mac from work and I cannot run bb, it tells me it’s an unknown developer. Any work around?

Michael W 2020-09-02T16:55:07.066400Z

Got this working by turning off gatekeeper, (sudo spctl --master-disable) then running bb, and turning gatekeeper back on (sudo spctl --master-enable).

borkdude 2020-09-02T17:02:31.066600Z

Cool. Maybe this should be documented in the README?


I think you can alternatively use sudo xattr -d path-to-bb

Michael W 2020-09-02T17:24:08.067Z

I actually downloaded it manually I did not realize there was a brew for it. Testing brew now to see if I have the same issue. New to mac so I just did what I do on linux.

Michael W 2020-09-02T17:26:24.067200Z

Yeah my manual download is what caused the problem. I think the readme is good, it does not happen using brew which is your recommended way to install it. I should have read the readme

borkdude 2020-09-02T17:31:55.067400Z


borkdude 2020-09-02T17:48:17.068Z

@kari.marttila Your blog post is now featured on the front page of HN :)

kari 2020-09-02T17:50:58.068500Z

Heh, I'm a dinosaur, what's HN? πŸ™‚

borkdude 2020-09-02T17:51:36.068800Z

Hacker News

kari 2020-09-02T17:52:05.069200Z

Aah... I try to find it. πŸ™‚

borkdude 2020-09-02T17:52:16.069600Z

kari 2020-09-02T17:53:36.070600Z

At Metosin they didn't believe that I don't play video games. πŸ™‚ (Actually I started playing video games last spring.) I don't use Twitter. I guess I'm a bit of a dinosaur. πŸ™‚

borkdude 2020-09-02T17:53:59.070700Z

I also don't play video games, I like playing with Clojure better ;)

kari 2020-09-02T17:55:02.070900Z

Heh, me too! πŸ™‚ My kids are already adults and I have a lot of free time - nice to study Clojure, do these exercises and write blogs in my study room.

kari 2020-09-02T17:55:34.071100Z

I see it! The news is at #10.

kari 2020-09-02T17:56:02.071300Z

Thanks for telling me, you made my day. πŸ™‚

solf 2020-09-02T18:02:10.071600Z

Kind of off topic, but after 55 years of not playing video games, a few hours ago my mum became addicted to Beat Saber, a VR (virtual reality) game


Hi BB team! After reading this article, when I saw the code, I couldn't help but think it was perfect for an Babashka usage. So here is the gist:


#!/usr/bin/env bb

(require '[clojure.string :refer [split]])
(require '[<|> :refer [writer reader]])
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [print-table]])

(def file-location (System/getenv "TODO_LOCATION"))

(defn now [] (new java.util.Date))

(defn add-content
  "appends content to todo file"
  [file-location text-content]
  (with-open [file (writer file-location :append true)]
    (.write file (str text-content "\t" (now) "\n"))))

(defn print-helper
  "Converts line content to a row obj"
  (let [[todo created_at] (split line-content #"\t")]
    {:todo todo :created_at (or created_at "UNKNOWN")}))

(defn read-content
  "reads content from todo file"
  (with-open [file (reader file-location)]
    (let [file-content (slurp file)]
       (map print-helper
            (split file-content #"\n"))))))

(let [args *command-line-args*]
  (when (nil? file-location)
    (throw (AssertionError. "empty $TODO_LOCATION")))
  (case (first args)
    "a" (do
          (add-content file-location (second args))
          (read-content file-location))
    "ls" (read-content file-location)
    (println "Choose either a or ls")))

borkdude 2020-09-02T21:26:49.075200Z

Excellent :) Maybe I should also open source my own TODO app at some point