is there a way to package bb + the clojure script for windows users?
currently using cat config.edn | ./app.clj
with #!/usr/bin/env bb -I
@danieltanfh95 I think only macOS takes args in env. For standalone scripts it might be better to just use edn/read
lemme try with my windows machine later
btw did anyone manage to integrate spec with babashka?
@danieltanfh95 For now there is: There are some reservations about including spec into bb, although it can work. The hesitation is because spec is alpha.
You can post some feedback on that here:
im using edn instead of command line args, it’s easier to do complex arguments with it, especially if spec is available
I've also done that for carve:
spec will be at one point part of babashka, but only when it's out of alpha probably
until then spartan.spec will be a drop-in replacement
Out of curiosity, I’m looking at the code of and wondering how it works. It says it’s piggiebacking on tools.deps, but in the code I don’t see this connection. Is this already there?
@jeroenvandijk My thinking was that dependencies between packages could be done via Git deps instead of implementing dep resolution ourselves. Also it uses the classpath to discover packages. But maybe it will just be simpler if cpm will be a standalone binary with a packages repo similar to brew
I now added a --global
Cool, yeah I haven’t thought about it enough. I believe a package manager would definitely be useful to grow babashka. I’m guessing this is coming from a need to organize pods as well?
Anyway, I also read it is work in progress. So don’t mind me, was just curious 🙂
That was the initial inspiration yes
You can now also install a SNAPSHOT babashka version using CPM:
which is kind of meta, since you need a SNAPSHOT version to run CPM with bb :)
I guess I could also add a SNAPSHOT version of clj-kondo. Hmm, this could be nice for people who want to be on the latest bleeding edge ;)
To package things up nicely, use babashka's --uberjar
$ bb -cp src:packages -m cpm.main --uberjar cpm.jar
This uberjar contains all packages from the classpath. You can then run it from anywhere on your system:
$ bb -jar cpm.jar --install clj-kondo/clj-kondo --global --verbose
I just noticed 🙂 Nice though!
➜ ~ bb -jar cpm.jar --install clj-kondo/clj-kondo --global --verbose
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Message: Unable to resolve classname:
Location: /Users/jeroen/.gitlibs/libs/borkdude.cpm/borkdude.cpm/bf8b8e284382ee7c9fa180d6db15595b54f25bbe/src/cpm/impl/impl.clj:34:13
Phase: analysis
And I did this
export BABASHKA_CLASSPATH="$(clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {borkdude.cpm {:git/url "<>" :sha "bf8b8e284382ee7c9fa180d6db15595b54f25bbe"}}}' -Spath)"
Yes, this is why you need the snapshot version :)
which you can install with clojure
Btw, do keep the feedback coming and do use it (maybe only for dev now), this is the only way it will improve over time
Hm, I guess cpm can also be used to install individual babashka (or clojure / whatever) scripts on the path
clj -Sdeps '{:deps {borkdude.cpm {:git/url "<>" :sha "bf8b8e284382ee7c9fa180d6db15595b54f25bbe"}}}' -m cpm.main --install clj-kondo/clj-kondo --global --verbose
How would it work? Something like #/usr/bin/env bb
+ additions to babashka stdlib that can add stuff to the classpath?
Well, e.g. deps.clj
is a standalone script with a bb shebang. If I would package that in up a zip, then it would be no different from installing a binary
It does depend on bb so maybe that would have to be added as a dependency as well
bb already has a stdlib thing to add stuff to the classpath, but I don't see how that is relevant here? for some specific scripts yes
So then the script would maybe add :package/depends [org.babashka/babashka]
and that package will be installed as well
cool, sounds great 🙂
I guess a bit like how you can add binaries via ruby gems? (maybe also in python via pip, not sure)
clojure -M -m cpm.main --install borkdude/deps.clj --global --verbose
will effectively do:
clojure -M -m cpm.main --install borkdude/deps.clj org.babashka/babashka --global --verbose
if deps.clj depends on babashka
so then you will have bb on your global path as well
ah cool, so do i understand correctly that cpm would wrap deps + babashka? So calling cpm would allow fetching all deps and then run a main
no. it doesn't wrap anything. it can install deps and babashka, that's all
after that you can run deps.clj
, the script.
cpm doesn't run programs, it's just a package manager that can put binaries (or scripts) on your path
just like brew basically
but cross platform
and possibly using clojure for scripting if you need to move things around after fetching the artifacts
ah i see. So you meant the executable could be a babashka script and because of it’s defined deps those will also be available in that shell session. I think i get it ☺️
so if you don't have bb installed, but you install deps.clj (as a bb script, not the binary deps
), then it will also make sure bb will be installed, so you can run the script
very cool
I see now that’s more ~/.cpm/path
gives binary paths. I think it’s clear now 🙂
nice idea
yes, and you can add:
# cpm
export PATH="`cat $HOME/.cpm/path 2>/dev/null`:$PATH"
in your .zshenv
or whatever and those executables will be available in all your shellswould that also pick up new binaries just after installing it via cpm? I’m guessing brew adds symlinks to /usr/local/bin
for that reason
yes, if you use --global
it will overwrite that path file
you will need to reload your shell though
yeah i meant that part. Might not be an issue
I'm not sure about working with symlinks, since I also want to support Windows
True, probably better to wait for some feedback
it's a minor issue as I see it now
maybe a tiny bash function could be added and that can be called post-install
I'm sure there's a way to fix it
I agree
alias cpm_path='export PATH="`cat $HOME/.cpm/path 2>/dev/null`:$PATH"'
and then run cpm_path
again post-installdon't typical shells have a rehashing command usually so you don't have to reload? something like this:
it's not always called rehash iiuc
(can be improved by first removing the old cpm_path from the path)
could be but the way cpm is set up now is that the path is added via a file
there are no global symlinks, etc
We could also make main return a bash command (using a --bash
) flag so you can use source
(and --powershell
, etc), not sure if that's useful. Will wait with that.
Cool 🙂
If I understand correctly the current distribution method is via maven? Are you considering adding git repos? Maybe useful for being able to add (babashka) gists?
can you be more specific?
yeah i was thinking of creating a gist and being able to call (+ install) it as an executable? From the install instructions I’m thinking it’s not possible (yet). It seems the script is currently made to download a zipfile?
- cpm.edn files are currently read from the classpath. I am considering also supporting .cpm/packages/your-packages
so you can git clone your package repository there.
- yes, it currently only fetches zip files, I want to add tar.gz, possibly other things as well
maybe it's already possible to download a gist as a zip file from github
yep, there is a "Download zip" button
ah cool, so the current way would be to add it manually or add it via in repository dir of the cpm repo. And you are consider having personal packages
I’m thinking out loud 😊
the current way is to have a jeroenvandijk/my-cool-gist.cpm.edn
file on your classpath (either bb classpath or clojure classpath)
cpm/packages is also on the classpath because packages is in :paths
in deps.edn
It sounds like the sky is the limit 😎
Maybe for installing things like GraalVM we need to add some more stuff, e.g. when unzipping it, you will get a directory structure in which the binaries are not on the top level, so we need to expose a couple of paths instead of just the top level
And maybe having aliases for binaries would also be nice in case of conflicts
Hey, I am trying to pass a function from a pod to another client side function from a pod but that’s causing issue as it can’t be serialized
(require '[pod.tzzh.a :as a])
(a/do-something-client-side a/some-pod-fn)
and I am getting Cannot JSON encode object of class: class babashka.pods.impl$bencode__GT_vars$fn__15573$fn__15577: babashka.pods.impl$bencode__GT_vars$fn__15573$fn__15577@1142c9ef0
correct, you can't pass functions through pod borders
ah ok I see thanks :thumbsup: I can work around it but I would have thought that client-side functions didn’t need to serialize their args / speak to the pod
this example (a/do-something-client-side a/some-pod-fn)
should work purely client side, if a/do-something-client-side
was for example defined as (def do-something-client-side identity)
but it appears like you are passing a function object back to the pod or vice versa
everything that goes back to the pod or comes from the pod has to be serializable
you could work around it using symbols or macros
'a/some-pod-fn or (defmacro client-side [fn-sym])
OK cool I will take another look thanks
but I wouldn't know why you would pass back a pod function itself to the pod?
more concrete example will likely help
afk for an hour, will check back then
OK yeah basically it’s for the aws pod I was trying to improve the pagination and lazily load pages so I have now a new namespace that exposes this client code:
(defn paginator-fn
"Returns a fn that lazily fetches the pages for a given aws fn"
(fn get-pages
(let [page (page-fn input)]
(if-let [next-continuation-token (:NextContinuationToken page)]
(cons page (get-pages (assoc input :ContinuationToken next-continuation-token)))
so you could do
(require '[babashka.pods])
(babashka.pods/load-pod ["./pod-tzzh-aws"])
(require '[pod.tzzh.paginator :as p])
(require '[pod.tzzh.s3 :as s3])
(let [paginator (p/paginator-fn s3/list-objects-v2)]
(paginator {:Bucket "some-bucket"
:Delimiter "/"
:Prefix "some-prefix"
:MaxKeys 50}))
ah yes, then simply make that (p/paginator-fn 's3/list-objects-v2)
or write p/paginator-fn
as a macro so you can pass it as a symbol and expand to (p/paginator-fn* 's3/list-objects-v2)
hmm, I'm not sure if I understand still
is (p/paginator-fn s3/list-objects-v2)
running entirely client side?
yeah, that should work I think
running only (p/paginator-fn s3/list-objects-v2)
does that work without error?
no that’s the one that’s throwing an error
I need to see your pod branch for more info
back in an hour
so if you could post me the link by then, that'll be great
@thomas.ormezzano A test case: define a client side pod fn as (defn foo [f x] (f x))
and call it from bb as (foo inc 1)
. This should not communicate with the pod at all, and should return 2
OK I’ll try that, I have also pushed my branch
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Cannot JSON encode object of class: class clojure.core$inc: clojure.core$inc@112957440
do I still need name
when using code
when describing the namespace ?
@thomas.ormezzano which bb version are you using?
that should be ok
can you push your branch with the foo function added?
:thumbsup: done
@thomas.ormezzano I added a test for this at babashka pods and it works as expected:
Maybe it's a capitalization issue?
bb pods expect the json to be "code"
OK thanks for checking I must have messed up somewhere I’ll try to have a deeper look when I have a bit more time
or wait, maybe it's an issue in JSON decoding in bb pods... I haven't tested that case
neh, it's in bencode, should be the same
Can you print the JSON that is generated by the go code?
bencode / json
hmm, you could try to run your pod using the babashka.pods library on the JVM and insert some debugging
to see what is coming through
ok it’s definetely the serialisation not working, basically if I have Code string “code”
then it works but the other Vars get an empty string
ok fixed it now 🎉 thanks a lot for the help
ok so for anybody that might be using the pod I have open which would allow to have better pagination as the pages would be loaded lazily, I also want to remove the current .*-pages
fn, e.g s3/list-objects-v2-pages
as the pod is still very new and they wouldn’t be useful anymore with the new pagination. If anybody is using the pod and is not happy with this let me know.
I think considering the age of this project, some breakage would be ok. As a safe step you could undocument the things you want to remove and then remove it later
Also keeping a with breaking changes would help users
Hi there i am a babashka newbie...I wonder what I can do to make a clojure lib working...for instance this one? I tried to hook it up in the classpath but got an error back
@richiardiandrea bb is only able to interpret a selected set of Java classes (e.g. if joda time is used in that lib, bb can't handle it) and not all Clojure constructs (notably deftype is currently missing) So currently there's no way you can run that library from source in bb.
oh i see, so the Java class needs to be in bb
for it to work...basically any wrapper is a bit out of luck?
unless you write a pod and compile that library with GraalVM to something native, that could work, but that's work, not out the box
I see
@richiardiandrea A full list of currently supported classes:
I will inspect the pod documentation, thank you Borkdude for the prompt answers
@richiardiandrea Sure! Shelling out to another CLI is also an often utilized technique:
But I do have a postgres sql pod as well:
I'm not getting quite the output that I expect --- check this out:
$ echo "hello there lets repunctuate"|bb -io '(spit "foo" (str/replace *input* " " ":"))'
$ cat foo
missing output flag maybe?
hm, the presence or absence of the o
flag has no effect on this
$ echo "hello there lets repunctuate"|bb -i '(type (str/replace *input* " " ":"))'
this is a good idea, in my case I would shell to either mongo
or rabbitadmin
$ echo "hello there lets repunctuate" | bb -io '(type *input*)'
$ echo "hello there lets repunctuate" | bb -io '(str/replace (first *input*) " " ":")'
is a seq of lines, unless you use --stream
huh! I guess I expected str/replace
to throw an error, rather than returning something that looked a lot like it had been executed on a string
yeah, I guess that function is pretty forgiving:
user=> (clojure.string/replace 1 "1" "2")
just a very chill, accepting function
thanks for the help!
ran into an uberscript error. I assume this is the same issue of only certain Java classes work right now?
$ bb -cp $(clj -Spath):src -m templatus.core --uberscript templatus.clj
rlwrap: warning: Your terminal 'dumb' is not fully functional, expect some problems.
warnings can be silenced by the --no-warnings (-n) option
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type: java.lang.Exception
Message: Unable to resolve classname: java.util.regex.Matcher
Location: clostache/parser.clj:1:1
----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1: (ns clostache.parser
^--- Unable to resolve classname: java.util.regex.Matcher
2: "A parser for mustache templates."
3: (:use [clojure.string :only (split)]
4: [clojure.core.incubator :only (seqable?)])
5: (:require [<|> :as io]
6: [clojure.string :as str])
@goomba which bb version is this
good question
$ bb --version
babashka v0.2.0
Are you trying to make an uberscript for non-bb usage?
The next error you will hit using this project is:
Message: Could not resolve symbol: clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor
Location: clojure/core/incubator.clj:73:4
73: (clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor
^--- Could not resolve symbol: clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor
74: (clojure.lang.RT/classForName class-name)
So maybe forking the project and using bb reader conditionals may work@goomba if you're looking for a templating library, this one works with bb:
if your goal was to simply create an uberscript that you can run with clojure on the JVM: I can likely improve the uberscript feature by just ignoring classes in namespace forms
@borkdude thanks for the feedback. The Babashka runtime is the goal or I could just run it with clj
. I l'll look into comb
, thank you for the feedback!