I had a use-case at work recently for using Babashka in the context of a github action, in the end since I was learning github actions I just used a JavaScript thing, I needed to interact with the github api inside the action, has any one tried this in bb?
@sfyire Maybe this one does it: https://github.com/rymndhng/release-on-push-action
This seems relevant: https://github.com/rymndhng/release-on-push-action/blob/master/src/release_on_push_action/core.clj#L29-L43
Hey, just wanted to share that I kept experimenting with building Go based pods and built https://github.com/tzzh/pod-tzzh-kafka it exposes some of the functionality of the confluent kafka go library (it’s quite limited atm). It can be useful for small kafka admin tasks (e.g creating/deleting topics) or when you need to produce/consume a few messages from/to a topic on demand.