i’ve got something working
your ToC is quite large, so i figured I use the whole screen for it. wanna have a look?
I don’t know how to do open source, reading up on how to do a pull request 😄
Bumped https://github.com/kloimhardt/babashka-web (includes https://github.com/metosin/reitit routing) to version 0.2.4, so it is in line with latest master
The babashka survey results are out: https://surveymonkey.com/results/SM-8W8V36DZ7/ We got just over a 100 responses in ~3 weeks. Welcome to do your own analysis. I will publish a summary later on!
And small reminder: in about an hour the meetup on babashka internals will start: https://www.meetup.com/London-Clojurians/events/274014078/
Wow, thanks for sharing the data!
This will be huge for babashka: https://twitter.com/marknca/status/1333816334304555009 :-)
Thank you @borkdude
Is there a way to steam the output of a babashka/process to the main out so that we can see the print of a shell command streaming and not only when it is finished.
@neo2551 Yes, use :out :inherit :err :inherit
or :inherit true
if you want to also redirect stdin
This is soooo cool :)
I am learning Kafka by using the command shells wrapped by Babashka :)
I wonder if one can output to the repl instead of inherit?
you can use :out *out*
not sure if this is what you mean
you can redirect out to anything that's compatible with http://clojure.java.io/copy
I tried with :out *out*
, however, when using --nrepl-server
the process does not print it in the repl. What am I missing?
ah, that's because nrepl re-binds out. what is your goal? you want to capture the ouput of the process? why not send it to System/out
From tonight's talk: Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/borkdude/babashka-and-sci-internals-at-london-clojurians-december-2020 REPL session: https://gist.github.com/borkdude/66a4d844668e12ae1a8277af10d6cc4b
@borkdude For this part: > A native image cannot load new classes at runtime Do you know if that is unlikely to change? Are they interested in trying to support it?
Not sure, you should ask the GraalVM devs
The slides link doesn’t appear to be working. Great talk, btw, thanks for taking the time to do it!
You mean the link to speakerdeck?
Oh, it wasn't public
Can you try again?
It’s working now, thanks!