babashka Also see #sci, #nbb and #babashka-circleci-builds .
steveb8n 2021-03-29T07:41:58.241200Z

@borkdude thanks for the helloworld youtube video. I’ve been thinking about replacing a cljs lambda with graal to improve cold starts so this is very helpful

πŸ‘ 1
grazfather 2021-03-29T13:01:48.242200Z

Damn, I went to run bb on a new machine and I saw something that looked like a fancy htop. Turns out I had installed this:

πŸ˜‚ 1
borkdude 2021-03-29T13:05:05.242400Z


borkdude 2021-03-29T13:06:07.242900Z

Maybe you can convince them to change their name, since > This is a "weekend" side-project made for fun and babashka is more than a weekend side project made for fun?

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:06:20.243200Z

you have more stars, don’t worry. I just uninstalled it πŸ™‚

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:06:30.243400Z

but how did you install it?

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:06:40.243600Z

I must have stumbled upon i

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:06:57.244Z

so basically it just preceded babashka in my PATH

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:07:04.244200Z

ah ok

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:07:45.244900Z

I was so confused. I was running my own script with a bb in the shebang and this popped up

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:07:50.245200Z

Might be worth posting an issue at their repo anyway

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:07:56.245400Z

I thought, ” I don’t think I wrote a process viewer”

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:08:03.245600Z

hahaha lol

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:08:32.245900Z

"wow, my script turned out pretty great" :)

grazfather 2021-03-29T13:09:19.246500Z

yeah haha πŸ˜„

borkdude 2021-03-29T13:09:21.246600Z

@rahul080327 Did you make any progress on getting bb into Debian? This might prevent the clash with other binaries?

lukasz 2021-03-29T14:12:04.247400Z

Just double check - bb cannot do a proper exec as in man 3 exec, because IIRC JVM can't do that either, right?

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:13:58.248300Z

@lukaszkorecki The closest is probably:

$ bb -e '(-> (babashka.process/process ["clj"] {:inherit true}) deref :exit (System/exit))'
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (+ 1 2 3)

lukasz 2021-03-29T14:16:47.249Z

@borkdude ah nice - I'll try that! Thanks

grazfather 2021-03-29T14:26:47.249300Z

JVM can’t execve?

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:32:24.250200Z

@grazfather I'm not sure if I ever used exec in any other "managed" language but some things in the JVM aren't possible because they have to operate on each OS, including Windows

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:33:02.250700Z

although in java.nio there are some Posix related features that only work on unix-likes

grazfather 2021-03-29T14:34:34.251800Z

ah. Golang handles that by offering direct syscall access, of course, putting that in your code makes you lose cross platform

grazfather 2021-03-29T14:34:45.252100Z

though I basically would never care to support windows

πŸŽ‰ 1
lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:47:31.252500Z

Sorry no, i did get some initial work done, but had issues with things built with graalvm as a debian package, as they need to be built from src etc. got stuck up with more work later and will try to give it another shot sometime πŸ˜•

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:48:09.252700Z

I'm asking because if we manage to get bb into debian, there might be less other projects "stealing" this binary name? ;)

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:48:50.252900Z

as for the name if you find some thing at <|>&lt;your pkg name&gt; its a conflict and we need a rename

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:48:56.253100Z

bb seems to be taken

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:49:16.253300Z

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:49:32.253600Z

apt install bb would install this as of now

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:49:56.253800Z

bb-clojure could be an option πŸ™‚

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:50:33.254Z

and then people would have to alias it themselves?

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:51:16.254200Z


lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:51:30.254400Z

apt wont let you install it as bb

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:51:41.254600Z

ok, then I won't worry about it anymore then

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:52:23.254800Z

also simply calling it babashka would solve it too

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T14:52:32.255Z

seems to be available

borkdude 2021-03-29T14:55:17.255200Z

how do I claim it?

lispyclouds 2021-03-29T15:18:41.255500Z

Unfortunately its only taken when a package is uploaded πŸ˜•

borkdude 2021-03-29T15:19:04.255700Z

ah well

borkdude 2021-03-29T21:52:28.257800Z

Some preliminary docs for new features in bb 0.3.1 (unreleased, but available in #babashka-circleci-builds): bb.edn: -m with fully qualified symbol: