is it looking like :when
won’t be a thing?
tasks are looking pretty damn good to me
@grazfather Thanks. I had trouble figuring out what the behavior of :when
in dependent tasks should be. E.g. invoke foo which depends on bar which depends on baz. But :when
in bar returns false, then what?
@grazfather I think you can have a creative workaround like this:
{:tasks {clojars-user-name
(when-not (System/getenv "CLOJARS_USER_NAME")
(println "Needs clojars username")
(System/exit 1))
deploy {:depends [clojars-user-name]
:task (println "Deploying...")}}}
@borkdude at first I was skeptical, but I managed to convert some code to the new tasks format:
(ns my.tasks
[proj.repo.task.version :as task.version]
[proj.repo.ednopt :as ednopt]))
(def default-args
{:min-version/clojure ""
:min-version/babashka "0.3.3"})
(def args (merge default-args
(ednopt/parse *command-line-args*))))
{:doc "Check runtime versions are supported"
:task (task.version/check-versions args)}}
1. if dependent tasks do not allow passing args to each other (as it is currently implemented), they are consistent, in that, they act the same whether called by a different task or directly from the command line. :thumbsup:
2. I thought not passing args around would be a problem for my monorepo (where the reason I moved from Makefile to Justfile was better support for arguments in tasks); but it turns out if I only allow global arguments (via parsing kvs in :init
and removing any conflicts via namespaced-keywords), I still get all the benefits of task parameterization, while also having the benefits of (1) and the nice task aliasing that a common bb tasks
runtime convention provides
3. I think :when
and :depends
DSL is completely optional, since this all can be done via when
and function calls in the task itself; but it raises some points: should the semantics be (when <guard> (run-dependent-tasks) (run-task))
or (do (run-dependent-tasks) (when <guard> (run task)))
- all of which would be mute, if we took more care when writing dependent tasks to be idempotent (is that feasible?)(3) is kind of rambling, I'm just wondering if the current notions of task dependencies and guards in Makefile/Justfile/etc are just a poor-man's approach to idempotent functions (and maybe we can leverage clojure idioms more here)
@pithyless co-incidentally, I just posted an example of :depends
that replaces the need for :when
possibly, around the same millisecond you posted your long message
I'll take a look at your other comments later today. Thanks for the feedback
@pithyless 1+2, cool. 3 :when
doesn't exist anymore. :depends
is there to topologically sort tasks, so when two tasks depend on a third task and you depend on these two tasks, the third task is only executed once, which is a common feature in build systems.
ad 3. Yeah, that makes sense, without :when
there is no question about the semantics of how it interacts with :depends
right that was the reason I removed it (`:when`)
you can just short-circuit using System/exit
if needed
I'm going to try to build up something more substantial with the existing bb tasks. For me the missing feature was an easy way to parameterize tasks, and I think I found it via combining the existing :init
with that previous idea I talked about inspired by passing EDN kw-args on the command line.
Thanks for all the work @borkdude! 🙂
Thanks for trying and looking forward to more feedback
Yep I was using when/when-not instead,no big deal :)
If foo depends on bar which depends on baz, then if bar’s :when says not to run, then it implies that baz is done as well.
I don’t think it’s very critical that you have this feature, but if you do, then I would liteirally just copy the behaviour from make. I was using a makefile I wrote myself to compare my bb task
does Make have something like when?
only for non-phony targets, it uses the time stamp of the target vs any of its dependencies
a: b c
basically does:
a {:when (and (modified-since a b) (modified-since a c)}
a: b
b: c
only checks the time of b vs a, and if b is newer it runs a. it doesn’t care about c.i might have gotten the order of the args for modified-since wrong 🙂
one example I had in mind was the above:
{:tasks {a {:depends [b]} {b {:when (System/getenv "CLOJARS_USER_NAME)}}}
so if the condition of b didn't pass, I might want to skip as wellI think it’s pretty safe to not rush :when
and let :depend
( which is more important) to shake out any issues first
let's say that b is deploying something based on that env var and a depends on the thing having been deployed
oh, Make isn’t smart enough for that, the way you’d do it in make is you could put the env var ITSELF as an uinbuildable dependency
so a and b depend on env
and env doesn’t set anything, but just fails if the end var is not set
right. we could encode some special return value like :tasks/invalid
which would yield the entire dependency tree invalid, for example.
that makes me wonder: Do you capture failure from tasks and propagate then?
exactly 🙂
again I stress that we should not make up new semantics as best we can
right now this is done using System/exit
. So if a shell command doesn't return with 0
the entire process quits with that exit code
that might be the least surprising way indeed
If you have any topics for a talk at a virtual Clojure conf, feel free to respond on Twitter or here (in a thread):
yep that is perfect to me
nice. hidden tasks!
yep. -
will make it hidden, or :private true
You can still call it from the command line if you want, it just won't show up in the tasks list
I am still pretty slow writing lisps and edn but I think I will soon use this to write all my ‘test targets’. a lot of then depend on certain docker containers to be running, and some need to run inside the container. We do a lot with makefiles but it gets hacky do determine if a container is running and if you’re in a container
great! keep me posted as we have still room to improve and break things if we need to
Yep I will let you know if I hit any snags
posted without comment 😈
$ time make coffee
measuring beans
grinding beans
pouring water
heating water
getting filter
getting mug
brewing coffee
real 0m15.121s
user 0m0.016s
sys 0m0.023s
$ time make -j4 coffee
pouring water
measuring beans
getting mug
getting filter
grinding beans
heating water
brewing coffee
real 0m9.039s
user 0m0.016s
sys 0m0.024s
Can you post a comment anyway? What am I looking at? What's -j4
parallelizes (4 threads)
zomg, yeah we could do that
the topo sort can find independent chains
see how it’s 15s vs 9 seconds?
first first heats water then grinds beans. the second does both at the same time. I use it as an example always to explain makefiles 🙂
in tasks you can have futures or core.async and do this yourself as well
yeah I am going to play with it right now. I was just brewing coffee and literally thought “might as well start the kettle while I grind” 😉
keep the Java flowing
so I am not actually sure how/if you could share futures between tasks, I just made this dummy task that acts like a parallelized make coffee
but it doesn’t properly specify dependencies
(defn measure-beans []
(println "measuring beans")
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(defn grind-beans []
@(future (measure-beans))
(println "grinding beans")
(Thread/sleep 2000))
(defn pour-water []
(println "pouring water")
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(defn heat-water []
@(future (pour-water))
(println "heating water")
(Thread/sleep 2000))
(defn get-filter []
(println "getting filter")
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(defn get-mug []
(println "getting-mug")
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(defn make-coffee []
(let [grounds (future (grind-beans))
hot-water (future (heat-water))
filter (future (get-filter))
mug (future (get-mug))]
(println "brewing coffee")
(Thread/sleep 3000)))
(defn- main []
@(future (pour-water))
this won't really help, since you're immediately waiting for the threadHow does make parallelization work when one of the tasks returns with a non-zero exit code?
Yeah I know about the @(future
thing 🙂 it’s just there so that I show that i am doing it in another thread, not real code
if anything in the dependency chain fails the failures percolate upward
play with it 🙂
.PHONY: a b c
coffee: grounds hot_water filter mug
@echo "brewing coffee"
@sleep 3
grounds: beans
@echo "grinding beans"
@sleep 2
exit 1
hot_water: water
@echo "heating water"
@sleep 2
@echo "getting filter"
@sleep 1
@echo "getting mug"
@sleep 1
@echo "pouring water"
@sleep 1
@echo "measuring beans"
@sleep 1
I am not sure if/how Make stops ‘parallel’ tasks. I know it doesn’t interrupt them
but say that a depends on b and c, and b depends on b2 and c on c2, if b2 and c2 are running and c2 fails, I am pretty sure that make will stop b from running (after b2)
but also I think that that’s less important
make: *** [beans] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
how tasks are currently implemented, bb would just quit while the others are still running (because it has no concept of parallel jobs yet)
makes sense
I'm trying to use Cursive as IDE to write bb scripts. What library should I include to get babashka.deps
(require '[babashka.deps :as deps])
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at tasks/eval17985 (REPL:1).
unfortunately that lib isn't available from the JVM as this is very bb specific and not generally applicable
maybe we could have a special (quit! 1)
or so function that would delay the real exit while other tasks are still running
(set-exit-code! 1)
something in this vain
yeah, it makes sense that we could have an implicit check before starting a task to see if the whole task tree has been abandoned. I think, actually, that the user shouldn’t have to see/use this. Just implicitly set the global fair when a task fails. would you support kicking off more than one task at a time? Then this failure signal would have to be local to that task chain
I guess throwing an exception would be the better, more supported alternative
Yeah I am thinking abstractly, not really how it would be implemented (I don’t really know Java)
I am just thinking about the semantics and about whether the ‘ui’ would have people set the error and check it.. I think that they should not. It definitely can be considered ugly/less pure but it makes sense to me that if A is kicked off and b2 fails while c2 is running, c2 can finish (`Waiting for jobs to finish`) but c never starts since it implicitly checks if the job (which is A) is still running before starting
@borkdude, thanks. I'm trying to rewrite my app and lib templates using babashka only. I want to throw away just
or make
utilities from templates.
yeah, I'm thinking how people can signal the flow to stop and which exit code to use, you could do (throw (ex-info "" {:babashka/exit 1}))
which would get caught by the consumer of your future and this exit could would then be handled by babashka
this is already how futures work, once you deref them and an exception occurred, then the exception is re-thrown
so for the above you could have:
(def b2 (future ....))
(def c2 (future ....))
(def b (future (do @b ....)))
(def c (future (do @c2 ...)))
(def a (do @b @c ...))
and it would workwe could make this work relatively easy by letting people just write future
around their task and handle the rest automatically. this would give some control about which tasks you want to run in a future and which you don't
sounds cool :)
Hi all. Is there possibility to have the autocomplete on the BB repl? I am running it on the Mac OS shell as rlwrap bb
(I might have missed it in the previous discussions).
@dennisa not with the terminal REPL, but with the nrepl server you will get more functionality like that
@borkdude I gave the bb nrepl a go. It connects fine. The autocomplete fails on pressing the tab clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: complete.core/completions
It is my setup or bb?
It's mine then. Where does bb take it's dependencies from, when connected to nrepl?
what do you mean?
I’m puzzled by this error - to my knowledge bb
doesn’t use clojure-complete
(and neither does CIDER), so I don’t get where this error is coming from.
yeah, I'm puzzled too :)
I mean that perhaps I need to configure something similar like .clojure/deps.edn for bb to pick the cljoure-comlete dependency.
@dennisa it could be that your nrepl client is trying to evaluate this code in the bb nrepl-server
but why it's doing that is the question
what editor are you using
Mac OS iterm terminal application. I'll summarise my steps to reproduce it in a bit.
babashka v0.3.3
Mac OS iTerm2 app
Start the nrepl server bb nrepl-server
Started nREPL server at
connect with lein lein repl :connect localhost:1667
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Connecting to nREPL at localhost:1667
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: nrepl.core/version
Error loading namespace; falling back to user
user=> (inc 1)
press tab after (f
, or any other symbol, fails with the exception:
user=> (fclojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: complete.core/completions
Ah, I see that. Yeah, it's not something bb can fix, but should be fixed in lein repl to work with nREPL servers that do not have complete.core/completions
lein repl assumes too much
completions do work in bb nrepl-server, but using the standard completions op:
and an nrepl client should check the capabilities of an nrepl server and behave as such
is there's smth I can fix myself? eg connect to the bb nrepl via another cli, ie non-lein?
Maybe @bozhidar knows some other client. Calva has pretty good support for talking to the bb nrepl-server
but this is not a command line tool, more a full fledged editor
Yes, I checked Calva in VSC, no issues with auto-complete. But... there's no (doc) function : (
(doc +)
; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: doc
In calva it should be sufficient to hover on the symbol to see the docstring
but doc is available as (require '[clojure.repl :refer [doc]])
Yes, indeed, thank you!
Great, thanks will give it a try
@grazfather On master. Binary in #babashka-circleci-builds for trying.
you’re a machine!
Just looked at the commit, very cool. I am learning a lot
I love parallelized tasks!
$ time ./bb coffee
measuring beans
grinding beans
pouring water
heating water
getting filter
getting mug
brewing coffee
real 0m11.294s
user 0m0.023s
sys 0m0.042s
$ time ./bb coffeep
measuring beans
grinding beans
pouring water
heating water
getting filter
getting mug
brewing coffee
real 0m5.052s
user 0m0.018s
sys 0m0.018s
Any chance that java.nio.charset.Charset
will be supported in the future?
I was hoping to use via babashka. That class is the current blocker.
I have a custom format that I decode via that library and given I am supporting clojurescript too its nice to call something thats got the bit wrangling for both clojure/script sorted already. It would be great if a little babashka script could just call on my existing regular library clojure/script code to do the decoding rather than having to write a separate path.
to reproduce:
(require '[babashka.deps :as deps])
(deps/add-deps '{:deps {io.helins/binf {:mvn/version "1.0.0-beta1"}}})
(require '[helins.binf :as binf])
@slack1003 Please make an issue and I'll investigate
k will do
Implemented the `bb run --parallel <task>` option now so tasks run in parallel when they can.
More info: