babashka Also see #sci, #nbb and #babashka-circleci-builds .
Nicolas Estrada 2021-05-29T11:08:24.305800Z

Hello šŸ™‚ First time poster.. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a repo or blog post on how to setup a proper workflow for writing babashka with cursive? What I usually do is use deps to manage dependencies for my nREPL, and also require the same dependencies in with babashka.deps/add-deps. However it seems that I can't seem to resolve babashka.deps from within my REPL (curl, fs and process) work fine though

Nicolas Estrada 2021-05-29T11:08:48.306200Z

My deps.edn looks like this

 {babashka/babashka                 {:mvn/version "0.4.3"}
  borkdude/spartan.spec             {:git/url "<>"
                                     :sha     "12947185b4f8b8ff8ee3bc0f19c98dbde54d4c90"}
  org.clojars.clj-clapps/clj-clapps {:mvn/version "0.4.11"}}
 {:test {:extra-paths ["dev" "test"]
         :extra-deps  {org.clojure/tools.namespace {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}}}}}

Nicolas Estrada 2021-05-29T11:09:56.307600Z

Am I going about this all wrong? I was never able to get cursive intellisense to work if I don't set it up this way? Any cursive/babashka devs could point me to some workflow tips?

borkdude 2021-05-29T11:14:07.308600Z

@nicolas.estrada938 There is an issue about babashka in the Cursive issue tracker. Also @cfleming seems to working on improving using babashka from Cursive, scroll back a few days in this channel to see the conversation.

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dabrazhe 2021-05-29T19:27:45.309600Z

I noticed that after hours of working in the bb repl it becomes slow to print the evaluation result and I have to disconnect/reconnect. After a while it's slowing anyway, I have to kill it and restart nrepl. I am using nrepl-server in VSC with Calva. Is it an issue with my setup ?

borkdude 2021-05-29T20:08:41.309800Z

I'm not sure what's going on. Perhaps a memory leak?

dabrazhe 2021-05-29T20:21:50.310Z

I only use repl to evaluate 'foreground' functions. No futures, servers, threads etc

borkdude 2021-05-29T20:22:47.310200Z

but perhaps the REPL builds up some kind of memory leak

borkdude 2021-05-29T20:25:20.310400Z

Perhaps you can run things like (.freeMemory (Runtime/getRuntime)) to check this

borkdude 2021-05-29T20:33:38.310600Z

(not sure if this is the right way of debugging this btw, just brainstorming)

cfleming 2021-05-29T23:04:33.311Z

Yes, Iā€™m hoping better bb support will be in the next Cursive release.

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