Hi. I'm looking for an example on sending UDP messages using babashka, but can't find anything that works. Specifically this example fails because java.Net.InetSocketAddress
isn't available! Any suggestions? https://github.com/clojure-cookbook/clojure-cookbook/blob/master/05_network-io/5-11_udp.asciidoc
More specifically, I need to send DataDog API metrics. So if you could suggest an alternative solution to that problem, I'll be happy as well. https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/datagram_shell/?tab=metrics#send-metrics-and-events-using-dogstatsd-and-the-shell
Followup question: I also need to send a MongoDB query to a db cluster in my local LAN. Any suggestion on how to do that? Best solution I've found is to install mongo shell and call it via (sh ..
@ory.band About UDP, perhaps this helps: https://github.com/babashka/babashka/blob/3dfc15f5a40efaec07cba991892c1207a352fab4/test-resources/babashka/statsd.clj
you could shell out indeed, or you could use an http service of this mongodb if it has one
Perhaps we could write a babashka pod for mongodb similar to https://github.com/babashka/babashka-sql-pods, but so far nobody has requested it
thanks @borkdude! ❤️
Building Video Edit Tools with #clojure, #babashka, and FFmpeg https://youtu.be/0Ch-zNZ67go by Adam James
What's your favorite way of using BB on CircleCI? (install + cache)
If you're asking me, I would just just curl
a github release, or use the install script:
I don't cache, since this install usually takes no longer than a second or so, but you can do so if you wish.
Great, I wasn't sure how to cache it effectively
Hey y'all! Here's an example of simple babashka task and bb.edn. I run bb backup
for quickly creating a SQL backup of a local Postgres database inside a git repo. https://git.io/JGKEY The advantage over bash/zsh scripting is that I can easily ensure the ./backups
directory exists and print helpful messages like the backup's filename.
Very nice!
Thank you @borkdude! 👋 Looking forward to your ClojureD talk, either live or when it gets posted depending on if they accept my (late) application for a ticket. I'm excited to hear more about GraalVM because I packaged zprint for NixOS, but I think the Graal flags need improvement. Just want to understand the whole compilation system better in general.