@kumarshantanu : yes! https://github.com/multunus/dashboard-clj
@sreenath.n Have you tried using https://github.com/walmartlabs/system-viz with dashboard-clj
yet? I was wondering if there’s a simpler way to just extract the dependency-graph and integrate with https://github.com/kumarshantanu/lein-viz
@kumarshantanu : I haven’t tried system-viz yet. But, stuart sierra component can give us dependency-graph
. Would that be sufficient? This is what I got when I tried,
(com.stuartsierra.component/dependency-graph system (keys system))
;; #com.stuartsierra.dependency.MapDependencyGraph{:dependencies {:server #{:websocket}}, :dependents {:websocket #{:server}}}
@sreenath.n Thanks! Turns out it is easy to build a graph that lein-viz
can use: {:graph (:dependencies (component/dependency-graph system (keys system)))}