Hey folks!
I’m upstairs in the library with the beginner(ish) group
hey guys
ugh. looks like I can’t modify the Meetup page once the event has started.
If anyone is in a room with other people who haven’t joined the slack chan yet, make them. 😉
Does anyone @here want coffee or tea?
If the beginner group is looking for higher-level problems to solve in Clojure (without doing an actual project), Srihari was suggesting AdventOfCode: https://adventofcode.com/2017/day/1
@santumahapatra https://emacsformacosx.com/ is what I’d recommend
fwiw, Kiran (our resident emacs expert) has ensured this repo is up to date, if anyone wants a sane emacs setup: https://gitlab.com/nilenso/dotemacs
I tried this out - all plugins installed automatically. Nice job, @kirang Clean minimal install.
@kumarshantanu I’m glad you found it useful 🙂
for beginners, I would recommend LightTable...avoid getting into emacs ocean right now