We are looking for speakers & a venue to host the upcoming 7-March-2020 meetup, do ping us @robertchristopher @kumarshantanu if you would like to be the host or if you would like to deliver a talk
@robertchristopher I could host the meetup at nilenso. WDYT?
@jysandy That would be awesome, any speakers in mind ?
@robertchristopher someone from nilenso might be able to speak. Let me see if I can come up with something.
@jysandy Sure, thanks, In the meantime, I shall create an invite in http://meetup.com with Nilenso as the venue and publish the schedule, once you have a speaker, send me the brief, and I’ll update that in the schedule as well
@jysandy Just checking, any updates on the speaker ?
Have created the meetup invite in the meantime, https://www.meetup.com/Bangalore-Clojure-User-Group/events/269027836/
@robertchristopher not as of yet
@jysandy Sure, we have not got any speakers yet, so if you could confirm in the next 2 days, that would be helpful
@robertchristopher if you're asking about the person I had in mind, he won't be able to speak
We will have to find another speaker
@jysandy It would be great, if we had one speaker from Nilenso, I am, on the other hand trying to reach Go-Jek folks for the 2nd talk
I will try to find a speaker. If need be, I think I could also put something together
@jysandy That will work too, If nothing else works, may be you could help