
Getting started with Clojure/ClojureScript? Welcome! Also try: Check out resources at
Jim Newton 2020-09-21T06:56:14.159200Z

what is a simple symbol actually?

Jim Newton 2020-09-21T06:56:46.159400Z

(defn simple-symbol?
  "Return true if x is a symbol without a namespace"
  {:added "1.9"}
  [x] (and (symbol? x) (nil? (namespace x))))

Jim Newton 2020-09-21T06:57:02.159600Z

seems to be a symbol whose namespace is nil

Jim Newton 2020-09-21T07:09:29.160800Z

Didn't I read somewhere that the clojure reader is side-effect free? or am I remembering wrong?


i think one can define a tagged literal that when read can invoke a function you get to decide the definition of...


> The data reader function is invoked on the form AFTER it has been read as a normal Clojure data structure by the reader.


perhaps you are thinking of there being no user-definable reader macros?

Risetto 2020-09-21T08:31:31.165500Z

If I want to cause a side effect, and return a value from a function do I have to use let? I don't need to let anything so it feels wrong to use for that purpouse


why not to call side effect function directly, without wrapping in let? could you give an example

bartuka 2020-09-21T09:24:32.166Z

as I understood, you want to do something like this:

but an example would be great o/

☝️ 1
borkdude 2020-09-21T10:46:23.167Z

Don't know if this is something beginners are interested in, but I just created the #pr-welcome channel where people can post little things to work on on a project that are possibly also interesting for beginners

Risetto 2020-09-21T12:20:00.168700Z

You are right. For whatever reason I thought do only did side effects while not returning anything

😉 1

Hi all, is there a good way to chain to filter to a collection. For example if I have a vec with several filter functions [filterfunc1 filterfunc2]. I want to apply these filters to the collection [{...} {...} ...], and returning the {...}s match the filter functions.

teodorlu 2020-09-22T07:03:37.320200Z

Another line of thinking: reduce over your list of filters. Relevant if you need to control how filters are applied.


[fn-A fn-B fn-C] is in a vec, is it possible to use (every-pred [fn-A fn-B fn-C]) this way?


Yes, it is possible, but via apply. (apply every-pred [fn-A fn-B fn-C])


Great, Thank you.

2020-09-21T12:38:46.173600Z have a look at transducers

  (comp (filter fn-A)
        (filter fn-B))


Thank you delaguardo, I will try this tomorrow morning.

jsn 2020-09-21T13:14:37.175600Z

Why not just (filter (every-pred fn-A fn-B fn-C) coll) ?

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:05:14.179100Z

Hi everyone. I have started my journey to Clojure using the book Clojure for the Brave and True. Wow! It's completely different than any other language I have used upto now! I have a question to ask. Is Clojure suitable for building web applications?

Test This 2020-09-23T14:39:50.055700Z

@wls What do you use for websockets? Which routing library and server are you using? Thank you.

practicalli-john 2020-09-23T15:48:09.058500Z

Compojure is the most common library for routing on the server side. reitit is a new project that takes a data driven approach to routing and other aspects of webapps. Its very interesting, but has more of a learning curve. Http-kit can do we sockets, although not something I've used recently

Walt Stoneburner 2020-09-23T17:56:44.061200Z

@curiouslearn, I'm using aleph.http/websocket-connection ... I had to do a little fiddling, though.

Test This 2020-09-23T19:27:03.064200Z

Thank you @jr0cket. Appreciate the input. Also, thank you @wls. Will look into it; although it looks difficult; I have no idea what a manifold is.

practicalli-john 2020-09-23T21:47:18.068200Z

Manifold is a very interesting approach, especially when you dont want to be tied to the classic web server approach. However, there is more of a learning curve compared to ring and compojure. If you are creating API's then there is the compojure-api, which includes swagger for documenting the API automatically. Luminus is a very useful template for web apps and full stack apps

Test This 2020-09-23T23:25:53.072800Z

@jr0cket, thank you very much for the pointers. I bought the second edition of the Luminusweb book a couple of years ago. However, it has too much magic for my taste. I usually don't like when lot of files are created for me in the source code. Will look into compojure-api. But so far reitit with http-kit seems a good option. I hope that http-kit continues to be maintained.

practicalli-john 2020-09-24T10:15:18.004200Z

http-kit just had a new release and the maintainers that took over the project seem very motivated. If using reitit, be aware its fairly new so may not have as many examples documented. Suggest asking questions in the #reitit channel if you cant seem to find the help you need.


there are also a couple of curses online. can’t recommend enough:

Walt Stoneburner 2020-09-21T14:06:51.179700Z

Hopefully this is a simple question -- while reading some intro-Clojure materials, it basically said something along the lines of: If you're going to make a global variable, add ^:dynamic, and don't forget the earmuffs. My specific need involves something along the lines of a shared data structure between threads of web server connections. That "global variable" is really only local to that one modules and is only "modified" by exported functions. (Should I take the earmuffs off; yes, I realize it's only a convention, but I'd like to "communicate" the right thing to readers.) And, as I learn more about the dynamic metatag, this appears to be about the behavior of re-binding, which I'm not doing -- so is it even needed? The variable itself is nothing more than an atom wrapping a map, keeping track of things as sessions come and go. I'm now inclined to think a regular old def is all I need, but wanted to hear it from folks far more experienced than I.


Building web apps in Clojure is what I do for a living @pmamatsis

João Galrito 2020-09-21T14:07:43.180400Z

Welcome! I started recently as well. I believe Clojure/ClojureScript is well suited for web development. You've got Ring on the Clojure side for web servers and Reagent, Re-frame, Figwheel on Clojurescript side for front-end development

Walt Stoneburner 2020-09-21T14:08:31.181900Z

I'm certainly not an expert on the matter, but from a "beginner" perspective, I've been able to set up a web server, do templating, create routes, handle concurrent sessions, and even do some pretty wicked stuff with websockets. So Clojure appears more than capable in this matter. ... in fact, it was much easier than doing it with other languages.

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:08:48.182600Z

@manutter51 Really??? Wow! That's great! My end goal is to use Clojure for web applications! Meaning that there are web frameworks for Clojure?

Walt Stoneburner 2020-09-21T14:09:10.182700Z

oh yes....!

João Galrito 2020-09-21T14:09:59.182900Z

you want dynamic vars when you are rebinding the symbol itself to a new value, in your case if you're using an atom you don't need a dynamic var

João Galrito 2020-09-21T14:10:22.183100Z

also the syntax of working with atoms already force you to treat it differently (with deref/@)

👍 1
Walt Stoneburner 2020-09-21T14:11:10.183500Z

Fantastic - - that's what I suspected. I'm always leery of "generic advice" that doesn't take into account the problem being solved; I suspect the material I had read was just trying to explain re-binding examples.

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:12:46.184Z

But how Clojure is handling the load? I mean, in comparison with other languages (eg. BEAM based ones) which are using the actor model? My question is purely out of curiosity...I am a JVM guy (Java, Groovy and a bit of Scala)

João Galrito 2020-09-21T14:13:03.184200Z

I haven't looked into the web side of clojure/clojurescript yet but I'm looking forward to it


Clojure’s approach is more library-oriented than framework-oriented, meaning there’s not really a “Clojure-On-Rails.” Ring and Compojure are a couple popular libraries providing basic server and routing functionality, etc.

👍 3
Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:17:29.184600Z

@manutter51 Oh I see! I don't mind! I want to also start thinking like a Clojure guy. But I am wondering about the heavy load in the back-end.


I had similar concerns when I first started, but so far I’m not seeing any load-related problems. Plus there are libraries you can add in to support spinning up X number of load-balanced servers in the cloud, so there’s no theoretical limit to how big a load a Clojure-based web app can handle.

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:23:27.185200Z

@manutter51 you mean container based approach, right?

Michelle Lim 2020-09-21T14:32:46.186300Z

👋 What are your favorite resources for learning core.async?


Yeah. It’s not something I’ve ever needed to work with, but it’s out there.

2020-09-21T14:35:19.186800Z supports Clojure for deploying web apps over AWS, for example.


🤦 how could I forget about every-pred ? too much transducers happen in my code recently(

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T14:54:42.187200Z

@manutter51 and @wls really appreciate your replies. I will continue my journey into Clojure.

valtteri 2020-09-21T15:04:58.187400Z

Usually perf is not the only measure you need to take into account. However, Clojure can be as performant as any other JVM language. Here’s a good video about perf-related aspects in Clojure web-dev if you’re interested

valtteri 2020-09-21T15:09:50.187900Z

There are many components involved in web development that affect the overall performance. The language itself plays some minor role there. It’s more about the libraries, IO, the type of load etc..

schmee 2020-09-21T15:55:02.188500Z

Clojure is an excellent language for web development! and it can be used both in the backend and in the frontend via Clojurescript :thumbsup:

schmee 2020-09-21T15:58:26.188700Z

agree, remember that dynamic and mutable are not the same thing in clojure: there are many way to get mutable data (atoms, refs, agents), and a dynamic var is one of those ways :thumbsup:


@pmamatsis As @manutter51 says, Ring and Compojure are very great to begin. You can check this very well documented repo:

seancorfield 2020-09-21T16:40:02.189200Z

@pmamatsis We support 40+ online dating sites in a dozen languages with a global customer base using all Clojure on the backend -- performance is great for that. And that's without doing "anything special" to improve performance.

Panagiotis Mamatsis 2020-09-21T17:05:45.189400Z

Wow!!! Really appreciate all the replies! With this kind of community I feel that I am going to succeed learning Clojure!

🎉 3
practicalli-john 2020-09-21T17:32:27.189800Z

Yes, I've been writing a free book (with videos) on Clojure web apps and api's. There is also the commercial book on Web Development with Clojure

practicalli-john 2020-09-21T17:35:17.190200Z

@pmamatsis you may find this simple performance report on http-kit web server of interest

ramseyst 2020-09-21T18:23:36.191700Z

Hi clojurists, I'm a total newbie. I'm trying to learn how to annotate function argument types using prismatic/schema. Is it possible to annotate that function argument x has one of two possible types, either type1 or type2 ?

ramseyst 2020-09-21T19:47:51.192500Z

Aha, I think maybe I found it. Is it cond-pre ?

Test This 2020-09-21T20:07:58.198300Z

How to run tests? I am trying some Exercism exercises on Clojure. How do I run all the tests that come with the exercises in the clojure CLI tools repl. For example, today I worked through the isbn-verifierexercise. With the lein test command it was easy to run all tests. But I want to learn how to do things with Clojure CLI tools. The attached image shows some of the many things I tried. Nothing works. The folder setup is the standard setup that comes with the Exercism exercises (there is no deps.edn). Is that why I am having problems. Can someone please explain an easy way to run all tests within a file in test folder? Thank you. The image showing the directory structure is below. Thank you.

practicalli-john 2020-09-22T12:03:01.334Z has a simple guide to writing unit tests using Clojure CLI. With exercism projects you can add a deps.edn file to the root of a project after its created by the exercism command. This just needs the src and test paths and a test runner alias. As others suggested, you can also use a user wide configuration, saved in -/clojure/deps.edn which applies to all Clojure projects you run with the Clojure CLI tool (clj, clojure) Both Sean and I have examples of the user wide deps.edn configuration with lots of examples

practicalli-john 2020-09-22T12:04:06.334300Z

The congnitect labs test runner is a nice simple test runner to start with. I do recommend looking at Kaocha once you start building bigger projects.

Test This 2020-09-23T23:29:34.073500Z

@jr0cket, Thank you so much for this. I was looking for a better repl than the standard one. I believe your deps.edn has that. Need to copy from there into Sean's that I downloaded 🙂. Will look into Kaocha too. Never heard of that before.

practicalli-john 2020-09-24T10:13:06.004Z

@curiouslearn I will be adding namespaces to the alias keys in the next release of the deps.edn config and making a few changes for the next Clojure CLI release For a command line REPL, I do like using rebel readline. I mostly use a REPL through my editor, evaluating code from source code files rather than typing in the REPL.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:16:21.199200Z

@curiouslearn Take a look at my .clojure/deps.edn file here -- it has aliases for lots of useful stuff, including running tests.

Test This 2020-09-21T20:16:48.199800Z

Thank you @seancorfield. I will look into that.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:17:19.200500Z

With those aliases in place, it's as easy as clojure -A:test:runner to run all the tests in a project (assuming they are named correctly).

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:18:02.201400Z

By "named correctly" I mean, if you have src/foo/bar.clj you should have test/foo/bar_test.clj for the tests -- so that's the source namespace and the test namespace.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:19:15.201500Z

@ramseyst There's a #schema channel if you need it. I don't know how widespread Schema usage is these days (I think most folks switched to clojure.spec since it is built-in).

ramseyst 2020-09-21T20:23:58.201700Z

Thank you! I will check out clojure.spec.

Test This 2020-09-21T20:31:47.203500Z

Thank you. That worked. I don't understand that file at all at this moment. Will have to read and try to understand it better. But it is great that it works for now. It appears that it pulls a few libraries to be able to run the tests.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:32:05.203600Z

There's a #clojure-spec channel if you get stuck, but there's quite a bit of documentation on about it.

👍 1
seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:32:44.204300Z

Yup. Cognitect (the folks behind Clojure) wrote a simple test runner that works with clojure.test and the Clojure CLI/`deps.edn`.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:33:02.204700Z

(that's one of the libs that would get pulled in the first time you run tests)

seancorfield 2020-09-21T20:33:49.205200Z

It's what we use at work for running all our tests -- and we have a lot:

Clojure tests 359 files 22680 total loc,
    4 specs, 1 function specs.

Test This 2020-09-21T20:45:35.207600Z

Thank you very much. Now, while I will use this from now on to run the tests, for the sake of understanding, can you or someone please clarify why I cannot even load the test file in the repl. I went in to the test folder, started a repl and entered the following commands. But I cannot even load the file. Why is that? ❯ ls isbn_verifier_test.clj clojure/isbn-verifier/test ❯ clj Clojure 1.10.1 user=> (load "isbn_verifier_test.clj") Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval1 (REPL:1). Could not locate isbn_verifier_test.clj__init.class, isbn_verifier_test.clj.clj or isbn_verifier_test.clj.cljc on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name. user=> (load "isbn_verifier_test") Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval3 (REPL:1). Could not locate isbn_verifier_test__init.class, isbn_verifier_test.clj or isbn_verifier_test.cljc on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name. user=>

ghadi 2020-09-21T20:49:51.208400Z

you're going to want to ignore load as a beginner, and focus on require -ing namespaces not loading files.

ghadi 2020-09-21T20:50:06.208900Z

(require 'isbn-verifier-test)

Test This 2020-09-21T21:10:28.212100Z

Thanks, @ghadi. But that does not work either. I tried it both from the root directory and from within the test folder. clojure/isbn-verifier/test ❯ clj Clojure 1.10.1 user=> (require 'isbn-verifier-test) Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval1 (REPL:1). Could not locate isbn_verifier_test__init.class, isbn_verifier_test.clj or isbn_verifier_test.cljc on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name. user=> clojure/isbn-verifier/test took 11s ❯ cd .. Exercism/clojure/isbn-verifier via :coffee: v14.0.1 ❯ clj Clojure 1.10.1 user=> (require 'isbn-verifier-test) Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval1 (REPL:1). Could not locate isbn_verifier_test__init.class, isbn_verifier_test.clj or isbn_verifier_test.cljc on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name. user=>

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:11:26.212900Z

ok: so from the root of your project what do you see? ls -R

Test This 2020-09-21T21:12:54.213800Z

I see the following. Please ignore the pom file since I was trying to play with the uberjar also.

Test This 2020-09-21T21:13:00.214Z

Isbn.jar deps.edn pom.xml src/ target/ test/ ./src: isbn_verifier.clj ./target: classes/ stale/ ./target/classes: META-INF/ ./target/classes/META-INF: maven/ ./target/classes/META-INF/maven: isbn-verifier/ ./target/classes/META-INF/maven/isbn-verifier: isbn-verifier/ ./target/classes/META-INF/maven/isbn-verifier/isbn-verifier: ./target/stale: leiningen.core.classpath.extract-native-dependencies ./test: isbn_verifier_test.clj

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:14:06.214900Z

and what's in your deps.edn ?

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:14:14.215200Z

specifically :paths

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:14:49.216Z

that determines which directories are available from within the clojure/java environment. You'll want ["src" "test"] at least

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:17:26.216900Z

when loading code, both Clojure and Java look for code resources within the "classpath", which is a set of roots of trees

ghadi 2020-09-21T21:17:57.217500Z

the trees can be folders (as you have above), or jar files (whose contents are a tree)

Test This 2020-09-21T21:23:31.219300Z

I did not have test in my :paths. Now it works. Thank you! That is very helpful.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T21:35:19.220400Z

@curiouslearn Normally you'd have a :test alias in your deps.edn that contains :extra-paths ["test"] -- you don't normally want "test" in your :paths

seancorfield 2020-09-21T21:36:17.221100Z

It's easier for us to read code/output if you use triple backtick around it

like this
block of 

seancorfield 2020-09-21T21:36:47.221700Z

I don't know how you're pasting in text and getting it all highlighted separately 😞

seancorfield 2020-09-21T21:37:25.222100Z

Since you're not using lein, you can delete the target folder BTW.

Test This 2020-09-21T21:48:43.223800Z

Thank you, Thank you @seancorfield. Really appreciate the help.

Test This 2020-09-21T21:50:06.225400Z

Regarding the code, I was copying-pasting it, then selecting it and choosing the code button in the editor. But that does obviously did not work; it does in some places such as Stackoverflow; but not in Slack I suppose. Thanks for the triple backticks tip.

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:28:23.230200Z

I have a short problem, and a longer story (that interrogates whether I should solve the short problem or do something different). The problem: Given data like this,

[{::specs/message "Scenario 1" ::specs/level 0}
                      {::specs/message "Given" ::specs/level 1}
                      {::specs/message "When A" ::specs/level 2}
                      {::specs/message "it 1" ::specs/level 3 ::specs/type :assertion}
                      {::specs/message "it 2" ::specs/level 3 ::specs/type :assertion}
                      {::specs/message "When B" ::specs/level 2}
                      {::specs/message "it 3" ::specs/level 3 ::specs/type :assertion}
                      {::specs/message "Scenario 2" ::specs/level 0}
                      {::specs/message "it 4" ::specs/level 1 ::specs/type :assertion}]
produce output like this
[["Scenario 1" "Given" "When A" "it 1"]
                      ["Scenario 1" "Given" "When A" "it 2"]
                      ["Scenario 1" "Given" "When B" "it 3"]
                      ["Scenario 1" "it 3"]]
Long story in the thread...

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:29:08.230300Z

All I'm actually trying to do is take a bunch of scripts that are written in Typescript-flavored Jasmine, and extract only the plain language data, which in Jasmine, is present in describe and it blocks

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:30:31.230500Z

It sounded like I might be overcomplicating things if I tried set up a ClojureScript project, compile the typescript, read the javascript, and use Jasmine's various "getName" functions -- also we sometimes wrap our Jasmine scripts in classes

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:31:21.230700Z

So instead I wrote a function that removes all the code, and preserves only the messages, whether they're it or describe messages, and the level of indentation

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:31:44.230900Z

"Surely it will be straightforward to turn this information into the CSV-ready format that the product team seems more familiar with"

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:31:56.231100Z

reality: 😱

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:32:58.231400Z

I feel like trees are such a familiar structure that maybe, just maybe, if I posted the given and the desired result maybe someone would recognize it as a well-known problem

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:33:17.231800Z

(defn loop-over-sets
  [expr kb]

    (dotimes [x (count kb)]
      (println (nth kb x))
      (if (= 'if (first (nth kb x)))
        (if (= expr (nth (nth kb x) 1))
           (nth (nth kb x) 2)
How come this returns a nil when

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:33:20.232Z

(nth (nth kb x) 2)

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:33:30.232200Z

is suppose to return a sequence

ghadi 2020-09-21T22:34:00.232800Z

check out the doc of dotimes by running (doc dotimes)

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:34:13.233100Z

dotimes doesnt return anything im assuming now

ghadi 2020-09-21T22:34:34.233500Z

actually, yeah the doc isn't helpful.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:34:49.234300Z

I would construct a hash map from level to message, assoc'ing each entry as it is processed, and when an assertion is seen, reduce over a range to the level of the assertion, pulling items out of the hash map in order, into a vector that is conj'd onto the overall result.

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:34:54.234700Z

What im trying to do is loop through a sequence and return a sequence when i need it too?

ghadi 2020-09-21T22:34:55.234900Z

"presumably for side-effects" is read as "doesn't return anything"

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:35:02.235100Z

what loop do i use for my problem?

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:35:44.235300Z

So a loop over the input data, with a reduce to build each vector.

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:35:52.235600Z

Does that get you started?

ghadi 2020-09-21T22:36:04.236100Z

what is the input intended to be, as well as the output? loop-over-sets doesn't describe that, it describes mechanism

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:36:08.236300Z

I can probably gin up the actual code pretty quickly...

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:36:46.237200Z

if you did, I would promise to study it very hard and become a better person by doing so 🙏:skin-tone-2:

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:37:32.238Z

So this is suppose to be modus ponens, So my "kb" for example would be something like ((if a b) (if c b)) and my expr is 'a. So i would search my sequences for a 'if a' and if it exists in my sequence i would then return the b.

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:38:29.238400Z

I want my output to be 'b

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:39:28.238700Z

I've been trying to write small functions that create intermediate data structures

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:39:43.238900Z

and I think if I squint I can see that they are attempts to do what you describe

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:40:55.239100Z

mm, so you would have a hash-map, and it is being assoc'd as we move along

jsn 2020-09-21T22:41:11.239300Z

why a map though, a vector should do

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:42:20.239700Z

oh and assertions don't get assoc'd, instead the reduce happens

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:42:57.239900Z

(loop [input input lookup {} output []]
  (if (seq input)
    (let [message (first input)
          lookup' (assoc lookup (::specs/level message) (::specs/message message))]
      (recur (rest input)
             (if (= :assertion (::specs/type message))
               (conj output
                     (reduce (fn [v n] (conj v (lookup' n)))
                             (range (inc (::specs/level message)))))
(assuming input is your sequence of maps input structure)

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:43:19.240100Z

tap> [["Scenario 1" "Given" "When A" "it 1"]
      ["Scenario 1" "Given" "When A" "it 2"]
      ["Scenario 1" "Given" "When B" "it 3"]
      ["Scenario 2" "it 4"]]

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:43:40.240300Z

you and your tap magic! still haven't brought that into my tool box 😆

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:44:12.240500Z

It's just the output in Reveal, since I use Chlorine and a socket REPL, and every eval goes into tap>

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:45:29.241100Z

I gotta look into Reveal

mathpunk 2020-09-21T22:45:33.241300Z

Thank you for your help!

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:45:40.241800Z

That sounds like filter -- you want any results that match your input expression?

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:45:53.242100Z

#reveal is awesome 🙂

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:46:03.242500Z


Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:46:11.243Z

Ima look into filer

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:46:12.243100Z

I'm using it instead of REBL at the moment.

João Galrito 2020-09-21T22:46:47.244200Z

(when-let [pred (first (filter #(and (= (first %) 'if) (= (second %) expr) kb))]
  (nth pred 2))

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:46:50.244300Z

(nm, @joao.galrito’s is closer to what you're trying to do -- I misread your problem statement)

João Galrito 2020-09-21T22:46:55.244600Z

something like that

seancorfield 2020-09-21T22:48:00.244700Z

(but, yeah, I use tap> extensively while I'm developing/debugging -- Reveal just happens to make that super easy)

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:50:39.245400Z

I think there is a ) missing

João Galrito 2020-09-21T22:50:50.245600Z


Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:51:14.246200Z

I tried running that code and it gives me dont know how to create ISEQ error

João Galrito 2020-09-21T22:51:22.246300Z

I don't see it but it might

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T22:51:42.246900Z

unless i didnt place the ) at the corerct spot

Michelle Lim 2020-09-21T22:52:38.247Z

Awesome, thank you

Nazar Trut 2020-09-21T23:00:07.247400Z

Got it to work, Thanks @joao.galrito and @seancorfield

João Galrito 2020-09-21T23:01:40.247600Z
