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jumar 2020-10-28T03:35:42.224100Z

^ What Andy said above - especially for very short strings you can have a lot of overhead when compared to their "size" in the file. Also hashmaps has a lot of overhead per element:


@ericihli Here is a transcript of a Clojure session that you can try out on your own machine for analyzing the in-memory size of Clojure data structures compared to their EDN representations, for small parts of your Clojure data:


It averages about 10 bytes of memory per character of EDN on the JVM version I tested with. There is a utility called cljol I wrote that you can see example use of in the file I linked that is good for showing the JVM objects and sizes for small Clojure collections.


That 10 bytes of memory per character of EDN is for your data file -- it could vary for different classes of data structures represented in EDN. For example, long keywords with many repetitions of the same keyword will share the storage of that one keyword name in Clojure/JVM.

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Aviv Kotek 2020-10-28T11:13:01.226500Z

i'd like to count the "next-consecutive" word of each from a given coll, this reduce-code will do, is this the "clojure-way" of achieving such, or any other "high level" methods (no reduce: merge-with, map, etc) would be more "idiomatic"? (->> ["A" "B" "A" "D" "A" "D"] (partition 2 1) (reduce (fn [res [fst scd]] (if (get res fst) (update-in res [fst scd] (fnil inc 0)) (assoc res fst {scd 1}))) {})) => {"A" {"B" 1, "D" 2}, "B" {"A" 1}, "D" {"A" 1}}

vlaaad 2020-10-28T11:27:12.227200Z

You only need update inside reducing function:

(->> ["A" "B" "A" "D" "A" "D"]
     (partition 2 1)
     (reduce (fn [res [fst scd]]
               (update-in res [fst scd] (fnil inc 0)))

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vlaaad 2020-10-28T11:28:08.227400Z

I would probably do it the same way

Jelle Licht 2020-10-28T12:45:28.230300Z

Given that I have to work with an existing Java library that expects a public Foo __myfoo on each class I want to work with, can I somehow transform bytecode for a defrecord-created class to support this use-case?

Marcus 2020-10-28T12:46:38.231400Z

Which high-speed alternatives do we have to EDN for serialization and deserialization of clojure data structures?

marshall 2020-10-28T13:07:30.236500Z


Eric Ihli 2020-10-28T13:07:40.236800Z

Oh this is odd. I have 2 local projects using clojure's cli deps.edn . B depends on A with {:local/root "/.../lib-A"}. Yesterday, I was able to start a REPL from lib-B. Today I'm getting an error that one of lib-A's dependencies ( nippy, one I just added today) can't be found on the classpath when I try to start a REPL for lib-B. Looking at the output lt clj -Spath in lib-B, I see every other dependency that is in A and not in B. I just don't see this newly added one. Is there some sort of cache that is used and the CLI doesn't pick up on new dependencies linked together with :local/root?

vlaaad 2020-10-28T13:10:48.236900Z

high-speed probably means binary?

vlaaad 2020-10-28T13:11:21.237100Z

maybe fressian is what you want?

Eric Ihli 2020-10-28T13:11:22.237300Z Fressian (or nippy for fast.

Eric Ihli 2020-10-28T13:13:25.238600Z

Hm. > Check cache > The next several steps of this execution can be skipped if we have already computed the classpath and cached it. Classpath and the runtime basis files are cached in the current directory under .cpcache/. The key is based on the contents of the deps.edn files and some of the command arguments passed and several files will be cached, most importantly the classpath and runtime basis. I deleted .cpcache and REPL started fine next run.


The Clojure CLI tools do calculate and store cached classpaths, putting them into files in a .cpcache directory. You can delete that directory and try again, or IIRC use -Sforce to cause it to ignore the cache.

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Marcus 2020-10-28T13:13:29.239Z

Thanks @marshall @vlaaad and @ericihli I will look into these.. Looks like there is not much activity on the transit repo but it is still used? The format I use now is just text but I could change it to binary.

marshall 2020-10-28T13:15:24.239300Z

transit is used frequently and widely I would say the lack of “activity” is because it is a specification, not an implementation The clj impl is here also, many libraries are ‘quiet’ when they’re stable and working well 🙂

Ben Sless 2020-10-28T13:15:54.239600Z

IIRC nippy is fastest, but generates a lot of garbage, followed by Transit (built on top of Jackson), and finally Fressian.

alexmiller 2020-10-28T13:16:21.239800Z

no, although you can do this with deftype

alexmiller 2020-10-28T13:17:07.240500Z

the cache is not sensitive to changes in local/root project deps so you will need to use -Sforce any time those change

Jelle Licht 2020-10-28T13:20:26.240600Z


Marcus 2020-10-28T13:21:58.240800Z

so garbage = increased data size?

Ben Sless 2020-10-28T13:32:22.241400Z

No, they'll produce the same data in the end, but it seems like nippy might allocate a lot more intermediate objects. I don't think it's significant for small payloads but I saw people complain about it for big payloads (10s of MB upwards). It's best to benchmark in a running application to be sure. GC pressure can give you trouble

Ben Sless 2020-10-28T13:39:44.241800Z

I read the details of an issue someone opened regarding the generated garbage, I don't think I'd worry about it

Marcus 2020-10-28T13:56:11.242Z

@ben.sless ok thanks!

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NoahTheDuke 2020-10-28T14:14:25.243800Z

is there a function to (dissoc obj :key) that returns both the new obj without :key and also the value that was held by :key? (let [[new-obj value] (dissoc2 obj :key)] ...

uosl 2020-10-28T14:16:38.244Z

(juxt dissoc get)

NoahTheDuke 2020-10-28T14:18:43.244300Z

oh of course, thank you

Eric Ihli 2020-10-28T16:48:25.253200Z

What would cause this unexpected behavior? lib-A depends on lib-B with :local/root ".../lib-B". lib-B repl starts up in about 5 seconds and then evaluating the requires of lib-B that lib-A depends on takes about 40 seconds (they deserialize some big files from disk). lib-A repl starts up in about 5 seconds if I remove the references to lib-B. With the references to namespaces in lib-B, the namespaces that take ~40 seconds to load when running the repl from lib-B, it takes about 6 minutes for a lib-A repl to even start. Looking at the CPU sampling in a JVM profiler, I see the 6-minute load times happening when starting the slow lib-A repl inside the main thread and the 40-second load times when starting the faster lib-B repl inside the nREPL-session-.... thread. Is this related to the local/root dependency? Does clj evaluate every namespace of the dependency at bootup rather than only evaluating namespaces when they are required? I'll try jaring lib-B and see if behavior changes if I switch away from the local/root dependency.


What version of clojure?


There is (was?) a bug in some jvm version where code load from static init blocks (which is how clojure code tends to be loaded) wouldn't ever get jitted, which made load times of macro heavy code really slow


Clojure has some mitigations for this, but only after some version I don't remember

dpsutton 2020-10-28T16:59:34.258100Z

1.10.1 has the mitigation

ghadi 2020-10-28T17:34:45.259400Z

background reading -- but yeah if you have a user.clj beware

alexmiller 2020-10-28T17:36:38.260400Z

and btw various changes have landed in subsequent jvms, but Clojure 1.10.1+ is good to use regardless to buffer you from some of that stuff

Eric Ihli 2020-10-28T17:47:05.260700Z

Ah. I'm on 1.10. I'll try bumping it. Thanks!


@bronsa So looking more at indexing-push-back-reader (and source-logging-push-back-reader), it seems like it doesn't actually annotate the read expressions with source locations, unless I'm missing something.


There is get-row-number and get-column-number , but that seems to only return the current position of the reader.


So for something like:

(+ 1
   (+ 3 4))
It wouldn't be possible to get the source location of the inner (+ 3 4) expression.


Or am I missing something?

dpsutton 2020-10-28T18:18:13.264300Z

i thought the reader used that information to mark the structures


So, I have the following in my repl:

> (def r (indexing-push-back-reader "(+ 1 2)
(+ 3 4)
(+ 5 6)")
> (def x (read r))
> x
(+ 1 2)


@dpsutton Am I doing something wrong? (Or are there non-printed attributes?)

dpsutton 2020-10-28T18:22:18.268200Z

Metadata is not printed by default. You can explicitly ask for metadata with the eponymous function or if you apropos for meta you’ll see there’s a dynamic var which will print it by default

dpsutton 2020-10-28T18:22:29.268700Z

On mobile so can’t give examples or links sorry


@dpsutton No worries. I can google for eponymous thanks


the function is called meta, that's why he called it eponymous


@noisesmith Ah, okay, thanks.


AH, got it...thanks


> (meta y)
{:source "(+ 1 2)", :line 1, :column 1, :end-line 1, :end-column 8}

dpsutton 2020-10-28T18:34:12.271800Z

Sorry about the confusing phrasing :) and if you evaluate (apropos “meta”) it will show you a few more functions and that dynamic var I was talking about


@dpsutton So, I hadn't know about the function apropos until now, that's very helpful, thanks.

dpsutton 2020-10-28T18:36:20.273700Z

Check out (dir clojure.repl) I think these functions are an underused way to really speed up your knowledge of clojure


> (dir clojure.repl)




OKay, actually, taht was clojurescript]


Doing it in a proper clojure repl did work.


Thanks 🙂

lread 2020-10-28T19:20:48.277300Z

This chat about :line and :column reminds me of an old curiosity I forgot to ask about. I noticed that positional metadata gets attached to lists and was wondering why:

> clj     
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (meta '(1 2))
{:line 1, :column 8}
user=> (meta '[1 2])

alexmiller 2020-10-28T19:23:10.277600Z

to do error reporting

alexmiller 2020-10-28T19:23:27.277800Z

on form locations

lread 2020-10-28T19:28:05.278700Z

ah! so it is on purpose! thanks @alexmiller!


So, I have a style question now: In Racket, I can write the following code:

(let loop ([s <seq>])
  (for ([i s])
    (when <condition>
      (loop i)))
But in clojure, as far as I can tell, the loop macro cannot use recur inside of a doseq. So the only equivalent I can think of is:
(letfn [loop (fn [s]
               (for [i s]
                 (when <condition>
                   (loop i))))]
  (loop <seq>))
And I would like to know if there's any better (as in cleaner) way to do this?


(I guess I 'could' just make my own named let macro, but that seems like a bit of a nuclear option.)


@leif Note that metadata cannot in Clojure be associated with keywords, numbers, or strings (and perhaps a few other things I'm forgetting), because Clojure uses the JVM types for those without changing them to be able to include metadata. Clojure collections can all have metadata, as can symbols, I think. So you cannot use tools.reader or Clojure's built-in reader to get line/col info for values that do not support metadata.


(fn lp [s] (for [i s] (when <condition> (lp s)))) @leif a labeled anonymous function helps simplify this


@andy.fingerhut That's fine for my case. Thanks for the heads up. 🙂


@noisesmith AH, yes it would. Thanks.


@leif btw that racket version won't do the tail recursion recur would do, as it's not a tail call


@noisesmith You are correct.


one advantage of having recur as special is it can error in non tail positions


But I wasn't looking for tail recursion in this case, as I want to do a depth first tree walk.


@leif in that case, see also clojure.walk

(walk/postwalk (fn [el] (if (condition? el) (f el) el)) tree)


> one advantage of having `recur` as special is it can error in non tail positions Oh, would you like that feature? (It would be pretty easy to do that in Racket.)


Or at least it used to be, I'd have to double check now that Matthew has changed the VM to one implemented in chez.


well, with racket the syntax for a tail call is the invocation itself - there's no syntactic element declaring "this should be stack optimized"


and it doesn't just optimize self calls


> @leif in that case, see also `clojure.walk` Nifty, thanks.


Not in the surface syntax yes, but there is in the zo bytecode.


between tree-seq and clojure.walk{postwalk/prewalk} you can replicate those lispy idioms of tree traversal, but support clojure's larger variety of first class data types


Yup, I saw that in the docs...its super hepful, thanks. ^.^

Ricardo Cabral 2020-10-28T20:24:09.297200Z

Hello all, can someone let me know why :year does not have a value here? I am doing the same code in Java and it brings value

;; positional destructuring
(def date-regex #"(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})")

(let [rem (re-matcher date-regex "12/02/1975 ")]

  (when (.find rem)
    (let [[g m d y h] rem]
      { :group g :month m :day d, :year y :nil_result h}
This is from the book the joy of Clojure and the result is the following {:group "12/02/1975", :month "12", :day "02", :year nil, :nil_result nil}


this isn't your error, but the \/ in your regex can be replaced with /

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phronmophobic 2020-10-28T20:32:19.298300Z

this issue is super weird:

(let [rem (re-matcher date-regex "12/02/1975 ")]
  (when (.find rem)
    ;; using macroexpand-1
     (clojure.core/nth vec__63125 0 nil)
     (clojure.core/nth vec__63125 1 nil)
     (clojure.core/nth vec__63125 2 nil)
     (clojure.core/nth vec__63125 3 nil)
    {:group g, :month m, :day d, :year y, :year2 (nth vec__63125 3) :nil_result h})))
> {:group "12/02/1975",
 :month "12",
 :day "02",
 :year nil,
 :year2 "1975",
 :nil_result nil}

phronmophobic 2020-10-28T20:33:56.299Z

see the difference between (nth rem 3) and (nth rem 3 nil)


the fact that you can destructure a re-matcher after calling .find, but you can't call seq on it, is very odd



user=> (re-find date-regex "12/02/1975 ")
["12/02/1975" "12" "02" "1975"]


it's less code and it does exactly what's expected


though you may have some extra reason to use a matcher instead?

Ricardo Cabral 2020-10-28T20:37:46.302Z

thank you, I am just following an example of the book the joy of Clojure, chapter 3 the author gives this example and I was trying to understand it, comparing to a similar code in java

phronmophobic 2020-10-28T20:40:44.304400Z

seems like a bug in (nth <matcher-instance> <index> <not-found>) . • from of .groupCount: "Group zero denotes the entire pattern by convention. It is not included in this count." • the check in in the nth implementation checks to make sure <index> is less than .groupCount • the check should be for n <= m.groupCount()


yeah, off by one


I've never seen nth used on a Matcher before

alexmiller 2020-10-28T20:42:01.306100Z

I'm not following the details here, but if there's a bug, please log in ask

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