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adam-james 2021-02-26T00:32:38.409900Z

I was looking at s/fdef a bit, and as you say using instrument will essentially eliminate any need for :pre conditions. Orchestra I haven't heard of and that looks nice for the function output validation too, which would certainly help in my case. Thanks for the feedback

rafalw 2021-02-26T02:04:40.413500Z

Hi, I'm reading and I wonder what this "empty" commas at the end mean

(defn join [db main_table join_table join_col]
  (let [f #(let [x (-> db main_table %2)]
              (->> x
		   (get (db join_table) ,)
		   (merge x ,)
		   (assoc %1 %2 ,)))]
  (->> db
       (reduce f {} ,)
any hints ? never saw anything like this ...


Commas in clojure are whitespace, the reader ignores them


So they don't mean anything to clojure, but some people do that kind of thing to mark where threading macros will insert their arguments

👍 1

I don't much care for it

rafalw 2021-02-26T02:11:52.417500Z

thanks, I understan now ....


hi i tried to understand this in my doom-emacs, it'll prompt an input, but once i input it in my repl, it stuck, it doesn't return like that. how to do that in emacs?

(do (print "What's your name? ") 
What's your name? Clojure
i have to ctrl+c twice and result in error
Execution error (InterruptedException) at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject/await (

dpsutton 2021-02-26T03:08:47.419900Z

emacs uses nrepl so things are a bit more complicated. when you attempt this, you'll notice in the bottom of your emacs window a prompt that looks like this:

dpsutton 2021-02-26T03:09:00.420300Z

emacs is wanting you to type there to send the input rather than in the repl buffer

✅ 1

@dpsutton I want to thank you from deepest of my soul!

😭 1
dpsutton 2021-02-26T03:19:07.420800Z

why you're quite welcome 🙂


been looking for an answer since about 3 wks ago, now it comes to light. I'm so stupid

dpsutton 2021-02-26T03:23:12.421200Z

not at all

dpsutton 2021-02-26T03:23:31.421400Z

it makes sense to accept repl input from the repl. its kind of a quirk that it works this way. and the input request is tiny and out of site


couldn't be more agree than this


@dharrigan thank you so much for helping me. it's because of i couldn't operate the emacs that well, but I got the concept of oauth2 because of you. still it's really simple, but I just found the answer today omg... lol :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:.. again, thanks a lot!!

dharrigan 2021-02-26T07:16:17.422300Z

You're most welcome 🙂

dharrigan 2021-02-26T07:16:41.422500Z

Keep on 'learning! 🙂

pinealan 2021-02-26T07:27:59.424300Z

are there clojure libraries for hmac?

lassemaatta 2021-02-26T07:29:12.424400Z

perhaps buddy, ?

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T07:39:01.424600Z

this can also be accomplished with a small amount of java interop,

pinealan 2021-02-26T07:47:56.424900Z

thanks! I’ll try them out

Ryan Boldi 2021-02-26T08:16:45.427800Z

Hey guys! I just started trying to use incanter to draw some plots, but whenever I do:

(ns main
  (:use [incanter core charts stats datasets]))
clj-kondo yells at me for using :use. Is there a succinct way to achieve the same thing using :refer :all? (p.s. it also underlines all my incanter functions like histogram due to unresolved symbol even though the code works)

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:18:27.428600Z

@ryan.boldi123 clj-kondo yells at you because it has no way of knowing where some of the symbols in your code are coming from and therefore it discourages :use and :refer :all for that matter.

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:19:25.429400Z

As a human I often have the same problem as clj-kondo, that's why I also don't use :use myself, I find that the code becomes more confusing. Just use :require + :as or :refer

Ryan Boldi 2021-02-26T08:20:36.430600Z

@borkdudeSo would I need to always use fully qualified names whenever I call incanter functions? Something like incanter.core/view ?

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:21:15.431300Z

@ryan.boldi123 No: (ns main (:require [incanter.core :refer [view]]))

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:22:00.431900Z

Or: (ns main (:require [incanter.core :as i])) and then write (i/view ...)

Ryan Boldi 2021-02-26T08:23:09.432800Z

@borkdude So I would need to write 4 require lines, one for core, charts stats and datasets?

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:23:28.433200Z

yeah, well you don't have to, you can use nested libspecs, but that's another story ;)

😅 1
Ryan Boldi 2021-02-26T08:23:57.433800Z

@borkdude Thank you very much!

borkdude 2021-02-26T08:24:31.434500Z

(ns main (:require [incanter [core :refer [view]] [charts :refer [foo]]]))
This works, but this syntax has gone a bit out of fashion in favor of just writing the namespace names in full

😮 1
Ryan Boldi 2021-02-26T08:25:43.435400Z

This is very helpful. I don't mind sticking to doing 4 separate requires for the sake of readability.

dharrigan 2021-02-26T08:34:21.435700Z

Oh, I just answered that also in discord

solf 2021-02-26T09:42:13.436100Z

What discord? I tried googling and found a couple in years-old reddit comments, is there a "recommended" one?

dharrigan 2021-02-26T11:10:01.439Z

It's called Clojurians

dharrigan 2021-02-26T11:11:03.439200Z

Discord doesn't make it easy to find out the server URL

dharrigan 2021-02-26T11:13:19.439600Z

Try this one : <>

dharrigan 2021-02-26T11:13:25.439800Z

It was on Invite Someone

solf 2021-02-26T11:18:22.440200Z


dharrigan 2021-02-26T11:19:35.440400Z

you're most welcome! 🙂

FiVo 2021-02-26T12:13:24.442Z

Does seq (and thereby keys and vals ) give some guarantee with respect to ordering for maps with identical keys ?

FiVo 2021-02-26T12:15:02.442900Z

For example

(defn gen []
  (-&gt;&gt; (for [i (range 1000)]
         [i (rand-int 1000)])
       (into {})))
does it always hold that
(= (keys (gen)) (keys (gen)))

ghadi 2021-02-26T13:40:11.443500Z

no, it doesn't hold across different maps @finn.volkel

FiVo 2021-02-26T13:48:31.445100Z

@ghadi so the guanrantee is not given, but the implementation always yields the same order or the implemenation does not always yield the same order?


If you add equal keys in same order to two maps the implementation today will have same order


If you add same keys in different orders to two maps, their order of seq, keys, and Vals can differ

FiVo 2021-02-26T13:50:54.448Z

thanks, that makes sense

adam-james 2021-02-26T13:53:25.449200Z

Is there an appropriate way to 'pull in' functions from different namespaces into a namespace such that the symbols become accessible in that ns from other namespaces? That seems unclear... what I mean is to be able to do something like this:

(ns svg-clj.main
  (:require [clojure.string :as st]
            [svg-clj.utils :as utils]
            [svg-clj.specs :as specs]
            [svg-clj.transforms :as transforms :refer [translate rotate scale centroid bounds]]
            [svg-clj.path :as path]))

(some-kind-of-pull translate) ;; something to make the symbols accessible, incl. docstring and args
(some-kind-of-pull rotate) 
Then, a user would use svg-clj as follows:
(ns user.drawing
  (:require [svg-clj.main :refer [circle translate rotate]])) ;; user doesn't need to know about svg-clj.transforms

walterl 2021-02-26T14:50:00.449400Z

My guess: (intern *ns* 'translate translate), etc.

oly 2021-02-26T15:13:53.451Z where can I put these ? I want to set a static path to resources/public so when i jack in I can ajax files tried in build.edn but either thats wrong or I am doing something else wrong 😕

adam-james 2021-02-26T15:23:53.451600Z

Hmm... tried that and it almost works. I do have the symbols accessible when :requiring main, but I don't see the argslist show up in my editor (my minibuffer in emacs usually shows the args as I type a fn)

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:03:56.452600Z

@adam.james That's because the metadata is lost on that intern -- but you can get the metadata from the original var and add it to the new interned var. Something like this:

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:05:58.452900Z

I'm using update to append the line about "Imported from..." but you could just do (insert *ns* 'translate (with-meta translate (meta #'translate))) I think. #' gets the var behind the function translate and you need that for the metadata.


is there a better way to write this?

(let [m {:foo "ab" :bar "cd"}
        bar (list (:bar m))
        foo (list (:foo m))]
    (concat bar foo))
=&gt; ("cd" "ab")


I basically want to take two keys from a map and make a list out of the values


juxt is awesome, and yes the map contains more than 2 keys

borkdude 2021-02-28T19:40:20.010Z

Just for the record, juxt works with any (positive) amount of keywords (or other fns)

sb 2021-02-26T18:31:03.455400Z

Maybe this post is helpful how to destructuring maps

sb 2021-02-26T18:31:32.456200Z

If I understand good

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:33:51.456400Z

@david.daigml Is there a reason not to just use [(:bar m) (:foo m)] rather than creating a singleton list for each item and then gluing them back together?


(let [m {:foo "ab" :bar "cd"}
      {bar :bar foo :foo} m]
  (list bar foo))

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:34:53.456800Z

And as sb says, destructuring can make this cleaner:

(let [{:keys [bar foo]} {:foo "ab" :bar "cd"}]
  [bar foo])

👍 1



cool, this is much more idiomatic, thanks

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:36:21.457500Z

This form of destructuring is rarely used, unless you want to rename the keys to something else: {bar :bar foo :foo}, i.e. {one :bar two :foo} -- so one is bound to (:bar m) and two is bound to (:foo m)

seancorfield 2021-02-26T18:36:59.457700Z

(sometimes that is absolutely necessary, so it's good to know about, as well as the more common :keys destructuring)


in my use case, :keys destructuring would work, there is no need to rename the keys

adam-james 2021-02-26T18:38:40.458100Z

I was just messing around with meta! Your linked code example gave me the hint I needed. I did not know about 'resolve' and was struggling to attach meta to the var as opposed to the symbol. Thanks for the help!

borkdude 2021-02-26T19:28:30.458900Z

user=&gt; ((juxt :bar :foo) {:foo "ab" :bar "cd"})
["cd" "ab"]

👀 1
seancorfield 2021-02-26T19:54:34.459100Z

Another good use for juxt 🙂