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athomasoriginal 2021-03-17T00:14:32.048100Z

That’s a good point. Let me look into the tooling more. With atom/chlorine I normally use execute from whichever namespace i’m currently in. Thus, if i’m in when I execute commands they are from that namespace.


I have a function that combines (apply require clojure.main/repl-requires) with loading my utilities from user.clj into the current ns, that gives me the standard things like doc, pprint, source in any ns

👍 1
Chase 2021-03-17T13:47:28.049900Z

Why does (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/lower-case "Hello world") #"\W+") give me my intended behavior but (->> "Hello world" (str/lower-case) #(str/split % #"\W+") doesn't? I think I am misunderstanding how to use anonymous functions inside a threading macro.

alexmiller 2021-03-17T13:49:35.050300Z

yeah, you can't do that - it's helpful to look at the expansion:

user=> (pprint (macroexpand '(->> "Hello world" (str/lower-case) #(str/split % #"\W+"))))
(fn* [p1__8#] (str/split p1__8# #"\W+") (str/lower-case "Hello world"))

alexmiller 2021-03-17T13:51:25.051300Z

the #() is expanded to (fn* [...] ...) first, and then the ->> is threaded into the last expression of the (fn* ...), which is not what you intended

Chase 2021-03-17T13:52:17.052200Z

ahhh, ok. Very good. I'll take a different approach. This is part of a bigger transformation so I was trying to shoehorn it into a threading macro

alexmiller 2021-03-17T13:52:36.052600Z

you can make it work by wrapping the #():

(->> "Hello world" (str/lower-case) (#(str/split % #"\W+")))

Chase 2021-03-17T13:52:58.053100Z

ahh. is that idiomatic though?

alexmiller 2021-03-17T13:53:00.053300Z

but generally I find that to be more confusing to read than not doing it in the first place

Chase 2021-03-17T13:53:13.053500Z

fair enough


@chase-lambert See also: as->

Chase 2021-03-17T13:58:51.054400Z

Yep, I was looking at those. Of course, this was the only part of like 5 step process that wasn't thread last

Chase 2021-03-17T13:59:35.054700Z

How would you approach this:

(let [s "The foo the foo the\ndefenestration the"] (doseq [w (->> s (str/lower-case) (#(str/split % #"\W+")) (frequencies) (sort-by val >) (map #(str (key %) " " (val %))))] (println w)))

Chase 2021-03-17T14:00:05.055100Z

not sure why the formatting got a little funky there

Chase 2021-03-17T14:00:26.055600Z

I was just playing around with this while reading this article:


(Triple backticks to format multi-line code)


What about something like this:

(let [s "The foo the foo the\ndefenestration the"
      word-split #(str/split % #"\W+")]
  (doseq [w (->> s
                 (sort-by val >)
                 (map #(str (key %) " " (val %))))]
    (println w)))

Chase 2021-03-17T14:08:29.056900Z

Yeah, I like this approach, ty

👍 1
Hagenek 2021-03-17T14:13:49.058800Z

Im doing some data validation stuff in clojure and I have encountered something I dont understand well enough yet. How do you gracefully handle e.g. AssertionErrors in Clojure? In another language I would return out of the function and console.log the error, while in Clojure I would need some If logic to not run the rest of the function? The validate-user-data returns a nil on successful validation, and the validation error as a map on unsuccesful Here is what I am working with:

(defn user-vector-builder
  "Takes a user-map and returns a valdiated and formatted user vector
   expects keys :email and :age and both values should be of string type"
    (assert (= (validate-user-data user-m) nil) (str "Invalid data: " (validate-user-data user-m)))
    (catch AssertionError e (println (:case  e))))
  [(:age user-m) ; Header: alder
   (:email user-m) ; Csv-header epost
   (if (>= (Integer/parseInt (:age user-m)) 18)
     "0") ; Csv-header myndig
   (str (t/ago (t/millis 1337))) ; Csv-header timestamp

Hagenek 2021-03-17T14:14:27.059400Z

Do not hold back on critism of all parts of this code btw, I always want to improve as much as possible

gon 2021-03-17T14:46:26.061400Z

I would use a different approach here ... instead of try/catch

(if (validate-user-data ....)
  (do my-code-here)
  (do fail here))  

Chase 2021-03-17T16:03:39.063700Z

So back to my previous discussion about that count words benchmark article I posted earlier, I made the program into a babashka script to see how it compares to the other languages listed. I came up with this:

#!/usr/bin/env bb                                                                 
(require '[clojure.string :as str])                                               
(require '[<|> :as io])                                               
(defn read-lines [file]                                                           
  (with-open [r (io/reader file)]                                                 
    (doall (line-seq r))))                                                        
(let [file (first *command-line-args*)                                            
      word-split #(str/split % #"\W+")]                                           
  (doseq [w (-&gt;&gt; (read-lines file)                                                
                 (sort-by val &gt;)                                                  
                 (map #(str (key %) " " (val %))))]                               
    (println w)))
It seems to be quite performant and looks way "simpler" to my biased self! What would you folks do differently?

dpsutton 2021-03-17T16:05:06.064300Z is an excellent post with a line of thinking exactly towards this problem and about 13 different ways they approached it


you could use transducers instead of threading macro to avoid construction of intermediate collections

Chase 2021-03-17T16:15:05.064800Z

Ooh, that would be a good exercise. I don't know why but I've let this whole transducer thing intimidate me


Using existing transducers is way less intimidating than implementing a new one (which is usually unnecessary), or fully understanding all aspects / tradeoffs of their implementation.