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seancorfield 2021-03-26T01:00:02.063200Z

(if @show? "show" "hide") right?

dpsutton 2021-03-26T01:15:00.064100Z

Ah yeah maybe. The important bit is the returned function and the atom outside of that

pinealan 2021-03-26T07:25:59.066800Z

anyone got experience with implementing clients? are there resources in clj/java that can help one to get started?

Tim Robinson 2021-03-26T10:53:35.071Z

is there any documentation that describes what the various metadata flags do? I realise it's extensible but I can't find anywhere that lists the "built-in" ones. specifically ^:redef


interesting question, I think a bunch of them are all grouped here


if the metadata controls the compiler, I'd expect it to show up in that file

bastilla 2021-03-26T11:21:04.074Z

Simple question here. I do this a lot: (if a a ...)

let [a (some-calc x y)
     a (if a a (some-alternative x y)]
But it dawns on me this is from my imperative mindset and not very lispy/functional. How do you deal with this?


(or a (some-alternative x y))


event better (or (some-calc x y) (some-alternative x y))

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bastilla 2021-03-26T11:23:04.074500Z

This community rocks!! @delaguardo

simongray 2021-03-26T11:23:19.074800Z

what @delaguardo wrote. Using or is idiomatic.


or is a macro so it is safe to even have some sideeffects in some-alternative function

bastilla 2021-03-26T11:25:01.075200Z

Thanks a lot !! (and @simongray @delaguardo )

simongray 2021-03-26T11:27:52.075500Z

both and and or just return the last value (when true) since everything apart from nil and false is considered true in Clojure, so you will see a lot of succinct code that combines logic tests and nil punning in Clojure code.

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aratare 2021-03-26T13:11:00.076700Z

Hi there. What is the de facto way in Clojure to check if a string is an email address? Is regex matching my best option here?


There are a lot of resources that will tell you the best you can do is to determine if a string probably is an email address, and not necessarily a valid one.


You can google for some really hairy regexes that are intended to be a comprehensive match for any valid email address, but YMMV.


The site I'm working on now just has a simple regex that checks for "_@_._", and if it doesn't match, it just puts up a caption that says "Please be sure you are using a valid email address."

aratare 2021-03-26T13:19:02.080Z

yeah I forgot how hairy email validation can become with regex


The only reliable way to check for valid email addresses is to send it an email with a link that has an embedded one-time token, and then see if they click the link.

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Alternately, there are online services that do mass-mailing that will offer you email validation services, which might be marginally better than a regex, if you don't mind paying.


I'm thinking like MailGun or MailChimp or something, but I don't remember which of them (if any) offers that service. I have seen it though.

aratare 2021-03-26T13:22:30.083400Z

This is for a personal project so I’ll just do some simply regex matching. Thanks a lot πŸ™‚



ghadi 2021-03-26T13:24:03.084400Z

@rextruong first 8-9 minutes of covers email parsing with regexes

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ghadi 2021-03-26T13:24:37.084900Z

tl;dw "good luck" πŸ™‚


The phrase "exponentially diminishing returns" does come to mind πŸ™‚

Elliot Stern 2021-03-26T13:46:26.086300Z

There’s some java libraries like, but the simplest regex + sending an email is really best

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:24:37.090800Z

I feel very stupid right now because this must be so basic and I can't figure it out... I want to create a function that wraps hiccup content

(defn wrap [content] ; content is a list of hiccup elements
  [:div {:id "Test"}
   ; insert content here, but not in a list, just all the individual elements
   [:div {:id "footer"} ...]
how do I do that? Or is that just the wrong approach?


You could use into effectively here.

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:30:14.094200Z

you have a vector and a collection and want to return a vector of the concatenation. (into [:div {:id "footer"}] your-collection) is the most straightforward approach

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:31:48.096100Z

I phrased it like this to point that the smallest reproduction of your issue doesn't have hiccup or divs or a function called wrap involved. often all these details mask the simple problem: (into [:a] [:b :c :d]) -> [:a :b :c :d]

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:32:18.096800Z

hm ok I was hoping to be able to do something like in js where you can do

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
let arr2 = [...arr1, 4, 5, 6];
where arr2 would be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] then

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:32:54.097200Z

there's no equivalent of the spread operator in clojure

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:33:08.097400Z

okay thanks!

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:33:39.097900Z

kind of interesting, I'd think that'd be a pretty cool thing to have

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:33:49.098100Z

makes everything more succinct

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:34:43.099200Z

you can post on . It's possible it's been brought up before. Possibly declined, possibly still open to it. Or perhaps no one has taken the time to ask about it

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:46:57.100500Z

so my function would look like this:

(defn wrap [content] ; content is a list of hiccup elements
  (let [wrapper [:div {:id "test"}]
        footer  [
		          ; some more elements here
  (into (into wrapper content) footer)
it does what I want... idk it's just looking wrong somehow, like it could be much easier...

Azzurite 2021-03-26T16:49:40.102200Z

in JS I would've done

let wrap = (content) => [
   :div, {:id "test"},
   // footer elements
(I'm not comparing/complaining, I would've just hoped it was easier and hope there's a better way than what I do)

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:51:01.103100Z

(reduce into wrapper [content footer])

dpsutton 2021-03-26T16:51:42.103500Z

or (into wrapper (concat content footer)) should work

seancorfield 2021-03-26T16:59:02.104500Z

(-> wrapper
    (into content)
    (into footer))
@azzurite This makes the flow more obvious, perhaps?

alexmiller 2021-03-26T17:04:40.104900Z

Don’t recall anyone asking for it

alexmiller 2021-03-26T17:05:10.106200Z

I mean, there’s concat, and cat transducer if you want vector

Azzurite 2021-03-26T17:05:35.106700Z

honestly idk why this wasn't obvious to any of us πŸ˜„

(concat wrapper content footer)

dpsutton 2021-03-26T17:06:00.107100Z

it needs to be a vector for hiccup

dpsutton 2021-03-26T17:06:25.107700Z

so you'd have to do (into [] (concat ...)) which is what i put above (into wrapper (concat content footer))


this is a great place to use cat - (into [] cat [...])

dpsutton 2021-03-29T23:50:58.269500Z

i always forget about cat

Azzurite 2021-03-26T17:08:02.107900Z

I see, yeah

Azzurite 2021-03-26T17:08:04.108200Z

thanks everyone

Azzurite 2021-03-26T17:09:42.108600Z

for some reason I like (vec (concat wrapper content footer)) best, just gets my intent across I feel


there's also (into [] cat [wrapper content footer])


does the same thing to the data, with less intermediate steps / lazy seqs

Azzurite 2021-03-30T10:43:05.289700Z

I still don't understand transducers and haven't found a good explanation... the official reference seems to assume too much of my intelligence πŸ˜„


my tl;dr is that they offer the same transformation steps as lazy seq operations, without needing a seq for input or output


this wouldn't matter if clojure was a "clever" compiler, but clojure is intentionally not one


That works too.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T18:41:05.110500Z

So let's say i've got a series of posts on a social-ish thing...

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T18:41:51.111300Z

and I want to have notifications for users... like if someone "reacts" to your post.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T18:43:02.112600Z

i'm thinking: keep a "last-seen-notification" timestamp for each user, and then check it against the stored reactions... but i also want a way for users to mark certain notifications as seen... well i don't know if i want to go that fine-grain... but in general a way to see notifications for reactions. does it make sense to...

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T18:43:52.113400Z

mark notifications as "seen" ... or try and simply rely on latest-seen timestamp to do that difference?

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T18:44:22.114100Z

kinda a nebulous design-level question... but i'm a little unclear on doing the notifications bit so any words of help would be appreciated πŸ˜„


most notification systems are really bad, because when they were initially written the idea was "little ephemeral messages"


but no one actually wants that, what they want is basically "lightweight email"


meaning an inbox, where notifications persist, and you can mark them as read, and read old ones, etc


so I would try to ignore that you are implementing notifications, and instead look at imap, and the extensions to imap for push, for inspiration

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T19:25:45.120300Z

thank you

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T19:26:11.120900Z

that makes sense, "lightweight email." I am trying to keep a very reduced interface but a historical view on notifications is likely necessary.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T19:35:47.121400Z

Do you reckon "mark as read/seen" and "Mark all as read/seen" would be sufficient with a boolean on each notif?

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-03-26T19:36:10.121700Z

hard-pressed to think of other use-cases.

Franco Gasperino 2021-03-26T23:57:07.124700Z

if this is evaluated lazily, shouldn't i receive a false instead of an NPE?

(first (remove #(% nil) [int? zero?]))


calling first on (remove pred? coll) will realize every item in coll until one is truthy, so the error should be expected


you can replace zero? with (fnil zero? -1) (-1 was an arbitrary choice, plug in any non-zero)


or #(and (number? %) (zero? %))

Franco Gasperino 2021-03-26T23:58:18.125400Z

(int? nil) => false
  (zero? nil) => NPE