
Getting started with Clojure/ClojureScript? Welcome! Also try: Check out resources at
NoahTheDuke 2021-05-02T00:39:30.398600Z

i have some text files that have invalid utf-8 in them. i'd like to write the contents of the files to new files. is that possible?

NoahTheDuke 2021-05-02T00:40:18.399400Z

using slurp converts the invalid utf-8 to be valid by changing the actual bytes


Yes, don't use slurp


Input and output streams read and write uninterpreted bytes


Readers, writers, and anything with strings or characters do not deal in uninterpreted bytes, instead need an encoding (like utf8)

NoahTheDuke 2021-05-02T02:21:04.400400Z

cool, thanks

yuhan 2021-05-02T02:47:20.400500Z

(map (fn [x y] [x y]) 
     [1 2 3 4 5] 
     [2 3 4 5])
Is this any clearer? Check out the clojuredocs on map if you're not familiar with what it does for variable args :)

FHE 2021-05-02T04:57:09.404300Z

Hey all. Quick Q: Which version of adoptopenjdk OpenJDK to install? 8 or 11?

FHE 2021-05-02T05:00:08.405900Z

...and wow, for once the installation in Linux seems way more complicated than it does in Windows. Yikes.

Jonas-Daima 2021-05-02T18:46:25.442900Z

I recommend using! for your JDKs. It is so easy to install the right jdk on there and switch between them on a later stage, if it should become necessary.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:06:37.407100Z

This is (primarily?) for ClojureScript if it matters. Following this (for the 2nd time, now on WSL2 instead of Windows alone):

FHE 2021-05-02T05:20:53.407700Z

I guess I'll choose 11, but I'm totally lost with what to do with this step:

FHE 2021-05-02T05:20:56.407900Z

Configure AdoptOpenJDK's apt repository by replacing the values in angle brackets:

FHE 2021-05-02T05:21:20.408200Z


echo "deb <> &lt;codename&gt; main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptopenjdk.list

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:21:57.409100Z

Any reason to avoid the default openjdk11 version?

FHE 2021-05-02T05:22:12.409800Z

What on Earth do I put in place of &lt;codename&gt;?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:22:28.410400Z

Pretty sure I just did apt-get install openjdk11 when I stuck Java on my Ubuntu setup…?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:22:40.410800Z

(well, I think I’m on openjdk15 now)

FHE 2021-05-02T05:22:47.411Z

I'm not trying to avoid anything. Just trying to follow the instructions here:

FHE 2021-05-02T05:23:48.412700Z

As for my version question, the ClojureScript Quick Start Guide calls for Version 8 or Version 11. Is that not correct? Outdated?

sb 2021-05-02T05:24:10.413Z

In the documentation I see “You need the codename of your Debian or Ubuntu version. It is usually recorded in /etc/os-release and can be extracted on Debian by running cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_CODENAME | cut -d = -f 2 and on Ubuntu by running cat /etc/os-release | grep UBUNTU..”

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:24:47.413800Z says sudo apt update and then sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk — ISTR it was harder on Ubuntu 18?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:25:10.414300Z

11 is the most recent LTS version so it’s a solid choice.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:25:36.415100Z

Good enough for me! Thanks!

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:25:46.415400Z

17 will be the next LTS version. I was testing against 14 for ages but recently moved up to testing against 16 on my desktop and 15 on my laptop

FHE 2021-05-02T05:27:31.415900Z

What's the benefit to you to trying to be on something newer than the latest LTS.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:28:20.416900Z

? Affects whether your programs can be used by people who have newer JRE's installed? ...or maybe not...everything is baked into the program?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:29:33.418100Z

It just means that Oracle is providing Long Term Support so bug fixes are more likely to be provided over a longer period of time (given that non-LTS releases are only “current” for six months each).

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:30:09.418800Z

The various non-Oracle groups are providing their own support/fixes/maintenance but it’s easier for LTS versions that are more long-lived.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:30:45.419900Z

Right, but what's the advantage of trying use something newer and non-LTS?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:30:50.420100Z

I test against recent versions so that it’s easier to move to the next LTS version when it drops (Early Access builds of 17 are already available and I test some of my projects against those already).

FHE 2021-05-02T05:31:52.421700Z

I mean I guess the next question is why move to the newest LTS version if the one you developed in originally is still supported?

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:32:01.422Z

Right now, a useful thing is the handling of “illegal reflective access” — for several releases, that’s been a warning by default. With 16, the default is to prohibit it, so you have to opt-in if your code (or the libs you use) depend on that feature.

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:32:28.422400Z

Improved GC is the most common reason folks move to newer JVM versions.

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:34:00.423800Z

(at work we are fairly proactive about using alpha/beta builds of stuff, at least for testing, so we can evaluate new features and — with Clojure at least — we’re nearly always on the very latest prerelease build in production: Clojure 1.11.0 Alpha 1 right now)

seancorfield 2021-05-02T05:36:51.425200Z

Re: Illegal Reflective Access — in 17 that will be an error with no opt-out, which is why testing against 16 is useful to flush out any instances of that. New Relic’s monitoring agent still relies on it (just just committed to fix it a few months back). Crux, the Clojure database, relies on it too.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:37:54.425800Z

OK. Maybe for ClojureScript being at the cutting edge is less valuable (just because of all the other bits that have to work with it?)

FHE 2021-05-02T05:38:02.426100Z

Anyway, V11 for me. 🙂

FHE 2021-05-02T05:42:50.427400Z

Oh...end still not quite in sight: "The Clojure tools require that either the java command is on the path or that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set." <--- Important in Linux/Ubuntu?

FHE 2021-05-02T05:56:19.428200Z

I've only ever dealt with environment variables in Windows.

FHE 2021-05-02T05:56:31.428600Z

Bedtime here, but I'll check back here tomorrow. 🙂

seancorfield 2021-05-02T06:00:10.429700Z

I tend to have JAVA_HOME set ~/.profile but mostly because I have several JDKs installed and have env vars for all of those too so it makes sense to set JAVA_HOME there to whatever is my current default choice.

FHE 2021-05-02T06:13:05.431400Z

One more thing I'm running into. I need an X11 display...thing...for my browser within WSL2. You mentioned VcXsrv, but I ran across a (seemingly easier to install and possibly more secure) alternative called X410. VcXsrv still better? ...and downloading from SourceForge trustworthy?

FHE 2021-05-02T06:14:17.432400Z

As for the JAVA_HOME, I'll have to look into how to set it (as well as where to point it to).

FHE 2021-05-02T06:14:51.433100Z

OK. REALLY bedtime now. Thanks for the help so far. Will act on those two questions above tomorrow!

Edward Ciafardini 2021-05-02T13:09:19.438100Z

Hello - I have been stuck on this for a bit and was hoping to gain some insight. I'm trying to implement bi-directional data binding in Reagent. When the user types in the fahrenheit input field, it should update with its own value and the celsius field should update with a conversion function. As of now, the fields do not update - they are static. Using Reagent for this - and my state for temps is in a separate file:


I think you need swap! to update your atom.


You are also missing a closing paren for (def temps

borkdude 2021-05-02T16:11:01.441100Z

Might be better to use a gist or pastebin if you want to share long code

Edward Ciafardini 2021-05-02T16:33:15.441300Z

noted & updated

Edward Ciafardini 2021-05-02T16:38:08.441500Z

closing paren missing was a copy/paste error. I've tried using swap! but kept getting error messages. Maybe I will try again. Thanks for the input.

Karo 2021-05-02T17:50:04.442600Z

Hi team, any useful materials on how to integrate Summologic Open Telemetry with clojure project?

Grzegorz Smajdor 2021-05-02T19:10:19.445700Z

Hi, I want to learn my kids pronunciation so I’m thinking about writing some small cljs site that would show the word / number and call google translate for pronunciation - how to call this page in background;q=67&amp;tl=en&amp;client=tw-ob?

walterl 2021-05-02T19:32:17.446200Z

Not sure if this will help, but you reminded me of this recent announcement:

Grzegorz Smajdor 2021-05-02T19:33:27.446500Z

right, I’ve seen that but just wondering if this also play it ?

walterl 2021-05-02T19:33:36.446700Z


Grzegorz Smajdor 2021-05-02T20:16:33.447600Z

Another question, what changes needs to be done in order to deploy reagent template to heroku ? Is there an easy tutorial (or need to follow the heroku guide ?

✅ 1
Grzegorz Smajdor 2021-05-02T21:05:35.448Z

Found and modified my project to fit into this one 🙂

👍 1
FHE 2021-05-02T23:59:04.449300Z

Hello. Is there anyone here who has installed VcXsrv for used with WSL2 Ubuntu (20.04) for ClojureScript programming with Emacs CIDER (not sure if that matters)?