Thanks, I didn't know about arrayType. On the other hand Integer/TYPE need eval instead of resolve so not sure how I feel about that...
@vale could bring them into a closure at function definition, so it only runs once at program start
(let [get\\convert primitives here] (defn ..)
are there tipps, when one should use defrecord
or when they could be too much overhead or overcomplicate things?
Records are good when your map is closed (no extra or missing keys), and/or when you want to implement/extend a protocol
and when should I use or not use a protocol?
sorry, will read more about them, maybe I'll understand it then
that's a good intro to the topic
and then for protocols
If someone wants to learn more about protocols/multimethods/etc. I found this booklet to be a really good summary of all the pros/cons and when you may want to use which:
I am using d3 in my project and it is possible to show result like this (first pic):
with this code (second and third pic):
I am a bit confused about the ->
syntax here. I know that is
It said:
• (-> x & forms)
Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as the
second item in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a
list already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the
second item in second form, etc.
But I want to ask why using (d3/scaleLinear)
instead of d3/scaleLinear
after ->
Why is (d3/scaleLinear)
the "x" above, not d3/scaleLinear
Is it reasonable to call a methods like (d3/scaleLinear)
without any given argument?I am not familiar with d3/scaleLinear
. Is it a Clojure function, perhaps?
Or from a quick Google search, perhaps it is an interop call to a JavaScript method?
it's a function from d3 that takes no arguments. Whoever made that function made it so that it cannot take arguments. So it's pretty reasonable to call it that way.
In Clojure, the syntax (d3/scaleLinear)
is the way to call a Clojure function, or a JavaScript method via interop, that takes no arguments.
I used shadow-cljs to import d3.js installed using npm
Or to be more precise, it is one good way to do so. There are others, but that is the most commonly used.
gocha, thanks!
when working with threading macros and interleaving -first and -last based on the functions applied, is it more idiomatic to use the as-> macro, or wrap composed in anonymous functions to conform arg positioning?
It’s more idiomatic to not mix ->
and ->>
if you can avoid it.
See — and the various posts about threading macros.
is specifically intended for use inside ->
for occasional cases where the threaded value is neither the first nor the last argument.
thanks. having read the thread-as post he has on that site, he claims to prefer a wrapper to arrange the args to fit thread-first or thread-last. im staring at the common interaction of the various built-ins and 'into' as an example
Rule of thumb: sequence operations use ->>
because the “main argument” comes last; collection/object operations use ->
because the “main argument” comes first.
yes. im reading that now. however, i ran into select-keys and for threading, the main argument is flipped onto its head
threading the map, main argument becomes the keyseq
"Don’t use anonymous functions to change argument position" ... i should have read this
is a collection function: it takes a collection as the first (main) argument and produces the same type of collection. That’s consistent.
I'm trying to make my input function nicer by adding a prompt at the beginning, but it doesn't work like I'd expect. Here a minimal example:
(defn prompted-read [prompt]
(print prompt)
When I try it in REPL (clj or lein repl) by calling it like this (prompted-read "Input: ")
, the prompt is shown only after I enter something. Is there a way to fix this?@julian608 You need flush
dev=> (defn prompted-read [prompt]
#_=> (print prompt)
#_=> (flush)
#_=> (read))
dev=> (prompted-read "Input: ")
Input: 123
@julian608 add a (flush) call after print, flushing only happens after newlines
thanks, @seancorfield and @ghadi - should have known this from other programming languages 🤦
I think this is a TTY API issue and not a language issue
How do I create an object with optional and default values? I have a function that returns an invoice object
(defn invoice [account-id]
{:account-id account-id
:key-1 "key-1"
:key-2 "key-2"
If sometimes I want to create an invoice and only change key-1 or only change key-2 or change key-3 and key-4 but not 1 and 2.
Is there a possible way or better way to go about this?
That way I don’t need to create an arity body for each possible combinationI always put "defaults" as the first arg to merge, that way you get the intuitive behavior that any provided keys are used as overrides
@noisesmith could you share an example please?
(let [defaults {:user-friendly true}] (merge defaults opts))
- if opts has a : user-friendly key, that value is used, otherwise you get the default
It's kind of hard to tell what types of functions you're trying to write, but probably some combination of assoc
or merge
Thank you will look into. Writing functions to create object payloads to send over http
I usually end up using merge for similar use cases. You can pass the original map as the first arg and selectively overwrite keys. Eg.
(merge payload
;; always add these
{:id (next-id)}
;; optionally add these
(when (:checksum? opts)
{:checksum (calc-checksum payload)})
;; choose one
(if-let [user-agent (:user-agent opts)]
{:user-agent user-agent}
{:user-agent "batman"}))
not the best example, but hopefully shows the idea
fantastic thank you