Ah that’s unfortunate to hear
Would someone be able to recommend a good walkthrough on testing in Clojurescript? I can’t for the life of me figure out how to require and run even the simplest tests from the REPL.
I’m really struggling to grasp reduce but every single example I see is just addition. Are there any really good, simple practical examples?
Thank you for the string example!
So I have a function (check-code some-vector) that checks a vector against a bunch of rules. If they all return true, then the function returns true The screenshot I sent is code to generate x number of vectors of 5 digits. Then at the end, I want to filter it down to find just the results that are true Only problem is that this isn’t super useful How would I set it up to find the code vectors that returned the true value when they were passed in as an argument to check-code?
I think you just want to take out the (map check-code
call. Use (filter check-code (...
instead. check-code
can act as the predicate function for filter.
When you map
with check-code
, you are applying a transformation and creating a new vector of booleans, where using filter
will just admit any values that pass the predicate function unchanged.
That’s perfect, thank you
How about this:
user=> (reduce (fn [s w] (if (re-find #"[aeiou]" w) (conj s (first w)) s)) #{} ["the" "dry" "wind"])
#{\t \w}
Given a sequence of words, it produces a set of the first letters of any words that contain vowels.To do that "long hand", you'd filter
the words to just those that contain vowels, then map first
across the result to get all the letters, then into #{}
or similar to produce just the unique set of first letters.
What is the canonical way to write this condition chain, without chaining if
(zero? ask-price) then preMarketPrice, but if preMarketPrice is zero again then lastprice
Thanks guy. I enjoyed both your solutions
Cool trick with some-> @delaguardo !
pattern matching : )
Personally I’d write a function like (defn non-zero [n] (when-not (zero? n) n))
and then it’s just (or (non-zero ask-price) (non-zero preMarketPrice) lastprice)
But for an isolated case I don’t think there’s anything wrong with nested ifs, either
And it looks like something that might be applicable in different situations, so it might worth speccing it and that opens up possibilities with regard to default value handling
Pattern matching feels like overkill and not overly functional : )
but it's extensible : D you can add further conditionals later : D
try some->
or some
it can “short-circuit out” if result is not nil
but you will need to make few separate functions to obtain corresponding price and return nil if result is zero
create a seq of all prices, choose first which is not 0
(some #(when (pos? %) %) prices)
but that will make (potentially) unnecessary side effects
(defn get-price []
(http/request ...))
(def prices
(some #(when (pos? %) %) prices)
like thiswrap requests in a delay, make it lazy
or fetch all prices at once, not even a problem is prices are parsed or queried from database
(defn get-price-1 [args] ...)
(defn get-price-2 [args]
(http/request ...))
(defn get-price-3 [args] ...)
(some-> args (get-price-1) (get-price-2) (get-price-3))
this one ^ will not make http request if the result of get-price-1 is not nilwhy would anyone need 3 http requests to get 3 numbers
it depends, sometimes it might be required. I don’t think you understand completely the problem, do you?
also http request is just for illustrative purposes. It can be anything else - executing of db statement, fetching from file, asking user to enter price from stdin
anything that falls into huge space of IO operations
again if laziness is a concern there is delay
the laziness is not a concern
you just said: this one ^ will not make http request if the result of get-price-1 is not nil that is exactly about laziness and delayed evaluation
nono, it is about executing or not of some IO operations.
Lazy evaluation, is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed.
So since some
is a short-circuit operation, making source of lazy calls will not evaluate more than needed.try this expression (first (map prn [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))
map returns lazy sequence, prn is doing side effects
I expect it to print only one number but in reality it will print entire collection
only some-> can stop the chain
(some zero? (map (fn [i] (prn i) i) [1 2 3 0 5 6 7]))
hi, how would you refactor this handler function to be more idiomatic?
(fn [request]
(let [todo-list (:body-params request)
conn (db/db-connection!)
saved-todo-list (db/insert-todo-list! conn todo-list)
_ (db/close! conn)]
{:status 201
:body saved-todo-list}
(some #(when (pos? @%) @%) [(delay (side-effect 0))
(delay (side-effect 1))
(delay (side-effect 2))])
=> 1
right, but that implies a certain interface for every element in a sequence
you could create a wrapper similar to with-open to open connection, do something with it and close at the end.
(defmacro with-open-conn [[conn open-expr] & body]
`(let [~conn ~open-expr]
(do ~@body)
(finally (db/close! ~conn)))))
New to everything... Is it possible to use spec to say that if one thing is X then other thing must be Y or else etc... Hard to explain, I have a gist https://gist.github.com/Sose/6df4962cf02c5a10aba43559ad9f5519#file-spec-cljs-L11
maybe you are looking for https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.spec.alpha/multi-spec
Hmm, that might be it.. Just need to figure out how to use it 😄
(defmulti by-command (fn [[command _]] command))
(defmethod by-command :move [_]
(s/tuple ::command ::move-arguments))
(defmethod by-command :turn [_]
(s/tuple ::command ::turn-arguments))
(defmethod by-command :repeat [_]
(s/tuple ::command ::repeat-arguments))
(s/def ::instruction (s/multi-spec by-command :instruction))
something like this should workthank you for the example!
tbh I didn't fully understand the multi-spec thing but I managed to do what I wanted with s/or... (I think) https://gist.github.com/Sose/b4b319baacc219ba03b919f5b5ad0014
I wonder if there's already a function that does this?
(defn run-script [turtle [instr & script]]
(if instr
(recur (step-turtle turtle instr) script)
ahh.. that's reduce
I think
Hi, what would be the Wordpress of Clojure?
Suppose I want to use partition-by
, but I want the logic to depend on some already seen values (not only the “next” value). Do I need to implement my own via reduce
that would be the simplest thing - either reduce or a function using lazy-seq
surrounding a self call to build the values
(defn filter-weird
(filter-weird #{} coll))
([seen [x & xs :as coll]]
(cond (empty? coll)
(contains? seen (inc x))
(filter-weird seen xs)
(cons x
(filter-weird (conj seen x)
user=> (filter-weird (range 10 0 -1))
(10 8 6 4 2)
@jeffrey.wayne.evans - I totally spaced the "partition" thing, but it's a simple demo of having a state accumulator (as you would in reduce) inside a lazy functioncould also do it as a stateful transducer, I suppose
and just have the fn passed to partition-by
accept two args
yeah - these recursive lazy-seq building idioms are straightforward to build as a transducer - the main question I guess is whether laziness is useful in your use case
yeah not so much
the “real application” is for tiny structures
This isn't quite reduce is it? I wonder if there's a function for this
(defn- repeat-turtle
[turtle [n subscript]]
(loop [i 0
res turtle]
(if (>= i n)
(recur (inc i) (run-script res subscript)))))
it's iterate plus a side effect (which means clojure.core/iterate isn't safe for this kind of usage I think)
there isn't a side effect. run-script
is a function of type turtle -> script -> turtle
(defn- repeat-turtle
[turtle [n subscript]]
(last (take (inc n) (iterate #(run-script % subscript) turtle))))
this seems to be equivalent... is there a better way than (last (take ..))
?(-> turtle
(->> (iterate (fn [step]
(run-script step subscript))))
(nth (inc i)))
maybe?right.. nth
lol 😄 thanks
if you flip the args to subscript you can use partial:
(-> turtle
(->> (iterate (partial flipped-run-scropt subscript)))
(nth (inc i)))
mm, thanks
(read-string "(rf/dispatch [::events/some-event 1])")
=> Invalid token: ::events/some-event
Anyone know what I need to provide so read-string doesn’t throw here? I’m not sure which opts read-string
takes, some Java Object opts
down in the clojure.lang.RT
class. I’m thinking I need to do something with a wrapping (bindings
form?there isn't an option you can provide to read string
when reading keywords with '::' the namespace part is resolved against the value of *ns*
so what you would have to do is create namespace, add an alias to that namespace for events, then bind *ns*
to that namespace, and call read-string
dang, ok. just to expand on what I’m trying to do, ::events
is imported at the top but read-string doesn’t ‘ingest’ that so to speak.. fuller example:
(read-string (str "[(ns <http://my.app|my.app> (:require [my.app.events :as events]))\n\n"
"(rf/dispatch [::events/some-event 1])]"))
so I guess I’d have to like, use regexes to read the imports and construct the lookup map with aliases for the reader?ok, this worked
(create-ns 'my.app.events)
(alias 'events 'my.app.events)
(read-string (str "[(ns <http://my.app|my.app> (:require [my.app.events :as events]))\n\n"
"(rf/dispatch [::events/some-event 1])]")))
what are you trying to do? why problem are you solving?
I have a build step that generates a routes.cljs file based on what is in the pages
directory of the app
part of that is reading in those files and parsing out a few things
if you ditch the reader expanded aliases it might be easier. how much benefit do you get from :my.app.events/some-event
vs :event/some-event
yea none
I was looking for something like that
I actually want it to not care
the reader will always care if you ask it for "some-event from the thing called events". but if you are using read-string
why not just put those files on the classpath and require them?
great question….
well, the script is clojure but the files are clojurescript
the whole thing is pretty messy, I don’t want to hold y’all up and I really appreciate the tips, I’m going to work on adding aliases from the (ns
form in each file iteration
Scratch that :)
Hello again, I am once again hitting a wall with what seems like a pretty easy situation. Given an arbitrary nested sequence, I want to recreate it with the same nested structure. I am able to do it fairly easily with normal recursion, but I was wondering whether anyone could think of an answer using (recur). I am surprised how hard it can be to convert a recursive function to the loop/recur construct in some context..
(= [1 2 [3 [4 5] 6] 7] ((*fn* recreate-struct [ds recreated-ds]
(*if-not* (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable ds)
(conj recreated-ds ds)
(into recreated-ds (map #(*if-not* (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable %)
(recreate-struct % recreated-ds)) ds)))) [1 2 [3 [4 5] 6] 7] []))
you could learn to harness this magic https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.walk/postwalk
sorry, that’s not super helpful but if you weren’t aware of that namespace it’s awesome
for nested sequences, I'll often use clojure.zip
. A common starting point is:
(defn clj-zip [obj]
(z/zipper #(and (seqable? %)
(not (string? %)))
(fn [node children]
(if (map-entry? node)
(vec children)
(into (empty node) children)))
you can emulate prewalk with:
(defn zip-walk
"Depth first walk of zip. edit each loc with f"
[zip f]
(loop [zip zip]
(if (z/end? zip)
(z/root zip)
(recur (-> (z/edit zip f)
it's pretty easy to also emulate postwalk and I find it a little more flexible than clojure.walk
example usage:
(-> {:a 2
:b [3 4 5]
:c {:d 10}
11 12}
(zip-walk (fn [x]
(if (number? x)
(inc x)
;; {:a 3, :b [4 5 6], :c {:d 11}, 12 13}
Alright I will talk a look into these two namespaces at once. Thanks both of you dearly for your help
you may also be interested in something like specter, https://github.com/redplanetlabs/specter
Does anyone use clojure in wsl with intellij can help me with REPL?
Hi, where can I ask about Compojure
You might try the #cursive channel.
@d.ian.b You can ask here
there's some default middleware to assoc the request to a system-configuration ?
or something like this?
to make something like a context that interceptors have
Can you explain in a bit more detail what problem you’re trying to solve?
What do you mean by “system-configuration”?
I have a default configuration for the things that are external from my system, then I need to start connections and etc, this "started-config" is what I call a system. I want to make my handlers dependent from my system
(defn wrap-config [handler config]
(fn [req]
(handler (assoc req :system/configuration config))))
That would be all you’d need to add a data structure to the request.yup
that's what I thought when I was talking here hahahah
thanks @seancorfield!
sorry about ruber-ducking here
hi, I'm using monger and specifically the function find-maps
this way
(let [conn (connect-with-credentials <.....>)]
(find-maps (mg/get-db conn "todo-lists") "collection")
(finally (disconnect conn))
it seems find-maps
already closes the connection so I get an error in the finallythis seems to be inconsistent with the other function find-one-as-map
that doesn't close the connection. It seems this feature has been introduced with https://github.com/michaelklishin/monger/pull/47 not sure why