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Endre Bakken Stovner 2021-06-11T05:12:24.060800Z

@manutter51 @noisesmith Thanks! I will test out your suggestions later today. It should also be said that I run the code that calls tap> in a Thread. which might add another layer of weirdness. Here is the whole function:

(defn read-process [proc type jobid] ;; babashka/process
  (with-open [rdr (io/reader (type proc))]
    (binding [*in* rdr]
      (loop []
        (let [line (read-line)]
          (when (not (nil? line))
            (tap> [jobid type line])
Here is how it is called:
(.start (Thread. #(read-process bb-process :err jobid)))
(.start (Thread. #(read-process bb-process :out jobid)))

popeye 2021-06-11T06:06:31.063200Z

I am practising clojure program where I have 2 variable like below

(def  map1 [{:color "Orange" :size 8} {:color "blue" :size 9}] )
(def  map2 [{:size 8 :color "Orange" } {:color "yellow" :size 10} {:color "blue" :size 9}]) 
if any element of map 2 exist in map1 then store in some variable else store in other variable, I have checked with diff and compare did helped me, how can I write best program

dpsutton 2021-06-11T06:07:51.063500Z

(set/intersection (set map1) (set map2))

popeye 2021-06-11T06:12:26.063600Z

wow!!! how to get unmatched map ?

popeye 2021-06-11T06:16:04.063800Z

Also will this be a costly operation if we have n number of maps inside it?

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-06-11T07:12:18.064700Z

What does @conn in this context:

(def cfg ...)
(def conn (d/connect cfg))
(some-function @conn)

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-06-11T07:12:31.065Z

Does it reevaluate the var?

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-06-11T07:13:09.065200Z

Oh it's a deref?


quote is often helpful - it reveals what the reader expands without evaluating:

user=> '@foo
(clojure.core/deref foo)


it even reveals itself 😄

user=> ''foo
(quote foo)



user=> '#(+ % %)
(fn* [p1__159#] (+ p1__159# p1__159#))

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-06-14T17:10:37.142900Z

@noisesmith oh nice. I was doing (type foo) but this seems to tell me more.


it's not always useful, but it's easy to try and informative when it works


and learning why it works is a big step forward in deep understanding of clojure

Jonas-Daima 2021-06-11T07:49:25.067700Z

@ is a for deref, so it is just that. As a side note, database connections are usually put in a delay, which requires deref. To ensure the connection is only created when explicitly asked for.

indy 2021-06-11T08:18:28.067900Z

(update {} :match conj item)
No parens around (conj item)

popeye 2021-06-11T08:21:19.068100Z

this also worked for me `

(assoc acc :match (conj (get acc :match ) item))

popeye 2021-06-11T08:22:07.068300Z

but agree to update

popeye 2021-06-11T11:40:51.070Z

I have a function, which is taking more than 3 minutes complete its operation due to huge data and it is expected, So I am planning to write it in multi threading application, any suggestion ?

indy 2021-06-11T11:47:38.071500Z

• What does the data look like? • What does the function do?

popeye 2021-06-11T11:49:10.071700Z

I have 2 map which each has more than 100000 map again, I am comparing with another map

indy 2021-06-11T11:57:04.075500Z

Don’t quite understand. You mean you have two vectors/lists/sets v1 and v2 which have 100000 hash-maps inside each? And you’re trying to compare v1[i] to v2[i]?

popeye 2021-06-11T11:57:17.075700Z

yes, checking element in one map is present in other or not

indy 2021-06-11T12:00:43.076Z

This can be parallelised, you can try pmap for a start. (pmap your-diff-fn v1 v2).