I built and ran the biff example on W(indows)SL, works perfectly. However on MacOS, ./task dev
leads to rlwrap: *warning:* clojure crashed, killed by SIGABRT.
I wonder whether there is any known issue before I start to investigate?
I successfully built and upgraded biff on MacOS over the past few months without hitting that issue. I remember generally having issues on other types of builds after upgrading to Big Sur which required re-building some system components via brew.
@markus.agwin It's possible that you're running into this: https://github.com/juxt/crux/issues/894
This is covered by this line in the Crux Quickstart: JDK: You _may_ require AdoptOpenJDK on certain macOS versions. (See crux#894.)
but we'd be quite happy to refine that so it's easier for folks to get started. Do give us a shout if you have better luck with AdoptOpenJDK or if you find another solution? Quickstart is here: https://opencrux.com/howto/quickstart.html
That's good to know about; I'll add a link to Crux's quickstart in the biff requirements section
I'm using "A batteries-included web framework for Clojure" as the one-line description now, and it just occurred to me that "Biff" could be a backronym for something ("*B*atteries-*I*ncluded <?> *F*ramework"... I guess "*B*atteries-*I*ncluded web *F*ramework *F*or Clojure" works technically)
Batteries-Included Firebase-like Framework? Though, at some point, Biff is likely to diverge from its original mission and that backronym might not suit.
Heh, good one... but yeah, I'm putting less emphasis on the inspired-by-firebase part
@steven427, @foo Changing from openjdk-11 to adoptopenjdk-11 did the trick! Thank you, the fun fine fabulous fantastic flexible frame works now!
Batteries-Included Functional Framework
👌 perfect