
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev
dcerys 2018-04-30T16:24:55.000617Z

Caveat: I’m a boot newbie. I’m trying to create a build.boot file so I can build a number of jar files (~5), with identical dependencies, but different :main classes. I started with the basic pattern of (sift) (aot) (uber), but I can’t naively follow this with multiple (jar :file X :main Y) statements (well I can, but the non-first jars are bloated) . Can someone point me to an example of generating multiple jar files in a case like this?


@dan551 can all the classes be in all the jars and they just differ by entrypoint? or do you actually need to sift things out before jar-ing

dcerys 2018-04-30T16:42:31.000117Z

@alandipert Yes, all the classes can be in all the jars and they just differ by entrypoint. (Although the 5 top-level entry point classes/files are orthogonal to each other, i.e., they don’t need to be in the other jar files).


@dan551 are the class names provided by the user at build time? or can you code them into your build.boot

dcerys 2018-04-30T16:57:31.000651Z

@alandipert: yes, I could put them in my build.boot. So, my naive option is to include 5 build-jar-N deftasks, each generating fileN.jar files (but I’d have to copy each of the jar files out of the target directory prior to invoking the next build-jar-N)


@dan551 here's how i would do it:


actually, 1 second, needs elaboration 😄


@dan551 ok, here's a recipe - that got involved quickly


the problem with stacking jar tasks is we don't want previous jars created in the pipeline to end up in subsequent jars


so the "solution" there is to maintain a history stack of filesets. it's a means to forking the pipeline


wow, nevermind x2, that's crazy overkill. you can just sift out main1.jar instead of saving the fileset

dcerys 2018-04-30T18:00:15.000641Z

@alandipert: Thanks, I’ll try the sift approach