I have a couple questions about boot-test. I'm working on setting up integration tests for a full-stack web project, where I need to compile both CLJS and CLJ. I've a run-tests
task that does (comp (watch) (cljs :optimizations :none) (test) (notify :audible true))
. I've noticed two things:
1. The CLJS compilation appears run every time in full, even when no changes at all happen to the CLJS files
2. notify
only gives me the audible sound on test success. On fail it stays silent.
Any idea how to fix these?
Do I find some helper fns somewhere in boot to get parent poms to a given pom? Ideally including download. Something like https://github.com/technomancy/lein-licenses/blob/master/src/leiningen/licenses.clj#L51 and https://github.com/technomancy/lein-licenses/blob/master/src/leiningen/licenses.clj#L37
@jarcane put notify before the test task in the pipeline. The reason your not getting sound is because the test task throws on failure thus aborting any tasks afterwards
I usually put it first thing after watch
So, I created a worker in which in could require boot.pom
but boot.pom/parse-xml
doesn't give me the parent, even though https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/blob/master/boot/worker/src/boot/pom.clj#L49 looks like it should. /me confused
Oh, wait.... Maybe that's why: https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/commit/e7898a99c9ff7c94f35af7b2fa6a2df997b1f3bf ?
Could anyone of you please cut a new 2.8.0 snapshot relase? I'd love to try the parent features out.