hello all, I´m trying to use boot in 2 separate repl, one for ring server and one for clojurescript. But if I start it, ring can´t see the "/public" for serving app.js. My dev task is
(deftask dev []
(with-pass-thru _
(reload :on-jsload 'go-health-server.core/init :asset-path "public")
(cljs-repl :nrepl-opts {:port 9009})
(cljs :source-map true :optimizations :none :compiler-options {:asset-path "app.out"})
-> ring working together clojurescript
(deftask dev []
(reload :on-jsload 'go-health-server.core/init :asset-path "public")
(cljs-repl :nrepl-opts {:port 9009})
(cljs :source-map true :optimizations :none :compiler-options {:asset-path "app.out"})
-> without ring server, and in other repl -> (run-jetty (webserver-controller #'routes) {:port 3000 :join? false})
What am I missing?