
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev

I am pretty sure you can run most code in your build.boot file, but I haven't used boot for a while. Do you know what test runner you are using? I would activate those asserts before you run the tests. I would put them anywhere you can inject code before test code is run, which varies based on how you run the tests. I am using circleci.test ( with Leiningen to run tests and circleci.test has a global fixture that can run code before and after any tests are run. In my code I would probably activate the asserts in that fixture.


In boot you may just be able to add it to your test task at the top of the task definition


If you use a test task from another library, then you may be able to add a test task to your own built.boot file, activate your assertions and then call the actual test task from that other library

bjf 2018-08-21T19:16:06.000100Z

@alexyakushev I want to set up a project with Clojure code in src/clojure and Java code in src/java, and then import the compiled Java classes in the Clojure code. With lein this would be as simple as setting :java-src-paths and :source-paths, running lein javac and starting a REPL. However, I could not get the same type of setup to work in boot, probably because of my unfamiliarity.