Has anyone else come across this? boot show -p
throwing java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
hey there. I tried to push a new release of my library to clojars today (`boot build-jar push-release`) and surprisingly it failed with mysterious explanation:
$ boot build-jar push-release
Writing pom.xml and pom.properties...
Writing xxx-1.0.1.jar...
Installing xxx-1.0.1.jar...
Signing xxx-1.0.1.jar...
Signing POM null...
Deploying xxx-1.0.1.jar...
Sending xxx-1.0.1.jar.asc to <https://clojars.org/repo/> (1k)
Sending xxx-1.0.1.pom.asc to <https://clojars.org/repo/> (1k)
Sending xxx-1.0.1.jar to <https://clojars.org/repo/> (25k)
Sending xxx-1.0.1.pom to <https://clojars.org/repo/> (4k)
Retrieving maven-metadata.xml from <https://clojars.org/repo/>
Sending maven-metadata.xml to <https://clojars.org/repo/> (1k)
Could not transfer metadata mbuczko:xxx/maven-metadata.xml from/to deploy-clojars (<https://clojars.org/repo>): Access denied to: <https://clojars.org/repo/mbuczko/xxx/maven-metadata.xml>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - no checksums provided for xxx-1.0.1.pom.asc.
any idea what's the reason of missing checksum?
@michal looks like https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/issues/705
@flyboarder I bet that's fixed by https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/pull/713
@alandipert yup, seems like it's exactly the same issue that I have. thanks for info.
@alandipert I am using 2.7.2
is this version affected?