
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev
seancorfield 2018-09-03T00:39:51.000100Z

@flyboarder No, #713/#707 was introduced in 2.8.0. It's why we can't use 2.8.0 at World Singles.

seancorfield 2018-09-03T00:42:54.000100Z

What does the stack trace show as the likely origin of that class cast exception?

flyboarder 2018-09-03T22:54:25.000100Z

@seancorfield i wasn’t able to track it down

flyboarder 2018-09-03T22:54:52.000100Z

it’s not happening now, I think it was a bad merger of the dependencies vector

seancorfield 2018-09-03T22:57:46.000100Z

Sounds possible, yeah.

seancorfield 2018-09-03T23:02:20.000100Z

@alandipert @martinklepsch How close do you think you are to a 2.8.2 release? I see four open issues tagged with 2.8.2 and at least two of them have PRs up...


@seancorfield ASAP, hoped to last week but couldn't because reasons


I'm very new to boot, and not sure if this question is valid or not. But anyway, if someone can answer, that would be great. Can you do things explained here with boot?