i was just cleaning up space on my hard drive and i realized that my boot cache had grown to 41 GB! definitely good to blow that away every now and then 😅
Hi. I am starting with clojure+boot. I can compile an example and the jar is written, but i cannot find it. How can I find out, where it was written?
missing target
thank you @nha - I am not sure how to define the target. I tried 'boot target -d target .....' and I also tried adding :target-path "target/" to the (set-env! :dependencies in build.boot. None of this resulted in a file inside the target/ directory in my project
I am also unsure, if I have to set the target in a separate line like boot target -d target
followed by boot aot pom uber jar
or all at once like boot target -d target aot pom uber jar
I tried adding --
but boot target -d target -- aot pom uber jar
also resulted in an empty target directory
When I search in my home directory I can only find the jar in a cache directory:
Like ~/.boot/cache/tmp/home/kwmiebach/c/clojure-boot/dd6/-7bl902/fib-1.0.0.jar
@kwmiebach all at once, with target at the end
boot aot target -d foo
that worked for me at last @dominicm thank you.