can anyone explain why i also need boot-http for this to work?
Where does boot look for Java ?
I'm on Windows. I have Java on my path, but boot thinks I don't, and sends me to the download link.
Okay, I figured it out. Boot.exe uses launch4j which finds Java based on registery keys, and not the environment variables. :face_with_open_mouth_vomiting:
Now I'm getting : unable to find valid certification path
Caused by:
Maybe I should just abandon trying to get Clojure working on Windows 😿
Caused by: org.sonatype.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException: Could not transfer artifact boot:pod:pom:2.7.2 from/t o clojars ( PKIX path building failed: sun.securit
Because tasks in boot are so easily composed, they tend to follow the unix philosophy of “do one thing well.” boot-figreload does live code reloading of clojurescript code, and boot-http serves static files and/or a ring application. They have nearly totally orthogonal purposes and can be used independently of each other.
The real dependency of figreload is actually having an http server to get the first set of compiled js into the web browser, because figreload has some client side code that communicates via websocket with the boot task. boot-http is a convenient boot filesystem aware http server.
Hope that helps :)