Hi guys, i am trying to implement a boot run
task as an equivalent to lein run
. It basically works, but instead of remaining in the foreground like with lein, boot returns immediately after having started the http server:
~/s/w/L/leihs-sql-assistant (master) $ boot [ run -- -d jdbc:<postgresql://localhost:5432/leihs_prod?max-pool-size=5> ]
[INFO Dec-11-Tue_17:20:33 leihs.sql-assistant.run clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0] Invoking run with options: {:http-base-url {:protocol http, :host localhost, :port 3250, :context nil, :url <http://localhost:3250>}, :database-url {:protocol jdbc, :sub-protocol postgresql, :database leihs_prod, :username nil, :password mkmit, :host localhost, :port 5432, :max-pool-size 5}}
[INFO Dec-11-Tue_17:20:33 leihs.core.ds clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0] Initializing db pool {:protocol jdbc, :sub-protocol postgresql, :database leihs_prod, :username nil, :password mkmit, :host localhost, :port 5432, :max-pool-size 5} ...
[INFO Dec-11-Tue_17:20:33 leihs.core.ds clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0] Initializing db pool done.
[INFO Dec-11-Tue_17:20:33 leihs.core.http-server clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0] starting server {:ssl? false, :join? false, :port 3250, :host localhost}
[INFO Dec-11-Tue_17:20:33 leihs.core.http-server Thread-19] #object[leihs.core.http_server$stop 0x515075ea leihs.core.http_server$stop@515075ea]
~/s/w/L/leihs-sql-assistant (master) $
Any ideas? My build.boot
file is here: https://github.com/leihs/leihs-sql-assistant/blob/master/build.boot
Ok, i have just found out about the wait
task. Using that it seems to work. The new version of the task:
(deftask run
"Run the application with given opts."
(->> *args*
(cons "run")
(apply leihs.sql-assistant.main/-main))