
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev

here's a boot riddle (does work in leiningen and clj):

(let [t (System/nanoTime)]
  (spit "src/foo.clj" (str "(ns foo)\n(def t " t ")")) 
  ;(Thread/sleep 20) delay only required for boot-clj
  (require 'foo :reload) 
  (let [t0 (var-get (resolve 'foo/t))] 
    (if (= t t0) 
      (list 'not= t t0))))
I'm expecting :great, but boot-clj doesn't detect the change without a delay

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:46:51.057100Z

@jeroenvandijk I dont understand the question, is this in a repl?


yeah it is from the repl. But I ran into the issue running require programmatically


So my question is why is there a delay with boot-clj, but not in the other environments

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:49:12.060100Z

@jeroenvandijk this is going to depend on your boot task structure, generally you shouldn’t need to do that unless you are spinning up a pod

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:49:35.060400Z

boot uses a filesystem cache


ah that would explain it 🙂

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:50:15.060900Z

the file watchers take time to update

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:51:00.061800Z

but I would say your issue is probably how you are doing the require programmatically


So I'm using another file watcher (hawk) that hooks into mac osx events. I guess that this is faster than the boot watcher

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:51:46.063200Z

is this for a boot task or just within the repl for exploration purpose?


yeah i'm just using boot as repl now. i'm not using any watch functionality (explicitly)


That could be an improvement point maybe, but I don't want to couple it to boot (yet)


But the delay is ok for now , at least now I know 🙂


Thank you

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:53:54.065900Z

yeah we could implement a watch task using Hawk if it becomes a sticking point


I guess in this case that could make the issue even more difficult to see as latency would be minimal and it wouldn't happen all the time 🙈


I should get rid of the my custom file watcher then

flyboarder 2019-01-08T16:57:18.067900Z

what is the file watcher for?


i'm trying to implement autotesting at function level


like autotest for midje, but much smarter


It involves a lot of macro magic so I was a bit afraid that the cause was my rewriting code